Student Enrolment in Tertiary Education, detailed data, Slovenia, Academic Year 2015/16

The number of students in Slovenia continues to drop; still almost half of young people aged 19–24 in education

For the last few years the number of students in tertiary education has been decreasing significantly. In the academic year 2015/16, 80,800 students are enrolled in tertiary education. Still almost half of young people aged 19–24 study at tertiary level.

  • 11 May 2016 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Fewer students enrolled than in the previous academic years
Every year for the last few years the number of students in tertiary education has been decreasing significantly. In the academic year 2015/16, 80,798 students are enrolled in tertiary education; i.e. 5,000 fewer than a year before and more than 26,000 fewer than five years ago (in the academic year 2010/11).
The number of short cycle higher vocational education students has decreased since 2010/11 by 4,000 (to 11,162 students in 2015/16). The number of students in higher professional and university study programs to obtain first higher education diploma also declined; there are 50,000 of them in the academic year 2015/16, while five years ago (in 2010/11) there were more than 78,000.
In postgraduate higher education study programs the number of students was increasing in the previous years. However, in 2015/16 it decreased as well to 19,512, representing more than a quarter of all higher education students.

Nearly half of people aged 19–24 in Slovenia enrolled in tertiary education
Although the number of students is rapidly falling, we cannot say the same for the interest of young people to study. The number of new entrants (students enrolled in the first year of undergraduate studies for the first time) is decreasing as well; in the academic year 2015/16 there were 15,300 new entrants, nearly 5,000 fewer than five years ago. However, the share of young people (aged 19-24) studying decreased by 1.5 p.p. (to 47.8%) in the last five years, yet with almost half of young people enrolled in tertiary education, Slovenia is still among the top countries in the European Union. The decrease in the student population is therefore partly a result of smaller generations of young people.

One in five students is a part-time student 
With each academic year there is a lower share of part-time students among all tertiary education students. Ten years ago (in the academic year 2005/06) the share of part-time short cycle higher vocational students was around 66%. In 2015/16 the situation is reversed; 60% of all are full-time students. As regards higher undergraduate students, the share of full-time students was already high ten years ago (72%) and is even higher in 2015/16 (85%).
The share of full-time students increased the most among postgraduate students. When first bologna-compliant study programmes welcomed new students (in 2005/06) one in five students was a full-time student; their share has increased strongly since then and reached 84% in 2015/16.

Revision of data on students in academic years 2012/13 to 2014/15 
Due to data corrections in our data source (Ministry of education, science and sports, eVŠ) the data on students enrolled in academic years 2012/13 to 2014/15 have been revised. According to the revised data there were 2,000 students more than reported in each of these academic years.
Chart 1: Students in tertiary education and share of population (aged 19-24) included in tertiary education, Slovenia
Chart 1: Students in tertiary education and share of population (aged 19-24) included in tertiary education, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Chart 2: Full-time students among all students by type of education, Slovenia
Chart 2: Full-time students among all students by type of education, Slovenia
1) Data include professional higher (former), professional higher (1st Bologna cycle), academic higher (former), academic higher (1st Bologna cycle)and master education (2nd Bologna cycle) - uniform master.
2) Data include master education (2nd Bologna cycle) - following 1st Bologna cycle, "magisterij" of science (former), specialization (former), doctorate of science (former) and doctorate of science (3rd Bologna cycle).
Source: SURS
Chart 3: Students in tertiary education by fields of education (KLASIUS-P), Slovenia, academic year 2015/16
Chart 3: Students in tertiary education by fields of education (KLASIUS-P), Slovenia, academic year 2015/16
Source: SURS
Table 1: Students enrolled in tertiary education, Slovenia, 2015/16
Short cycle higher vocational11,1626,5384,624
  academic and professional higher (former)39381
  professional higher (1st Bologna cycle)20,37814,0176,361
  academic higher (1st Bologna cycle)24,91323,6321,281
  master (2nd Bologna cycle) - uniform master4,7944,75638
  master (2nd Bologna cycle) - following 1st Bologna cycle17,18115,6241,557
  doctorate of science (3rd Bologna cycle)2,3316641,667
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.