Sale of agricultural products of private producers on food market, Slovenia, 2020
In 2020, the value of agricultural products sold by private producers on food markets higher than in 2019
In 2020, the value of agricultural products sold by private producers on food markets was about 6% higher than in 2019. The value of sold fruit went up the most; it was higher by about 25%.
The value of vegetables sold by private producers on food markets higher than in 2019
In 2020, the value of vegetables sold by private producers on food markets was almost 4% higher than in 2019. As regards vegetables, producers sold on food markets mostly salad crops, of that mostly lettuce. In 2020, the average price per kilogram of lettuce from own production sold on the food market was EUR 2.89, which is less than in 2019. As regards other vegetables, producers sold on food markets mostly onion, white cabbage and tomato. The quantity of sold white cabbage and tomato was slightly higher and of onion lower than a year before. The average price per kilogram of white cabbage was EUR 1.88, of onion EUR 2.27 and of tomato EUR 3.03. In comparison with 2019, the value of potato from own production sold on food markets was almost 16% lower than in 2020. Lower was the quantity of sold potato as well as the average price of the product. The average price per kilogram of potato was EUR 1.06.
The value of fruits sold on food markets in 2020 higher than in 2019
The value of fruits sold by private producers on food markets in 2020 was about 25% higher than in 2019. As regards fruit, as usual private producers sold on food markets mostly dessert apples. Total quantity of dessert apples sold by private producers on food markets was higher by about a third, while the price was on average lower (the average price of dessert apples was EUR 1.62 per kilogram). The quantity of sold pears, nuts and cherries was much higher than a year before. The average price of pears sold by private producers on the food market was lower than in 2019 and was EUR 2.20 per kilogram. In comparison with the previous year, less peaches and persimmon were sold.
The value of poultry and eggs sold on food markets lower, the value of milk and dairy products higher than in 2019
The value of poultry meat sold from own production on food markets was lower than in 2019. Lower was also the value of sold eggs; the value decreased due to lower quantity of sold products, while the average price was higher. The average price of eggs from own production sold on food markets was EUR 0.22 per item.
In 2020, less milk and chesses and more other dairy products were sold on food markets.
Producers sold on food markets more honey than in 2019. The average price of honey was EUR 10.08 per kilogram. In 2020, they sold more sour turnip and less sauerkraut than a year before.
More data in the SiStat Database
More data are published in the SiStat Database.
Table 1: Value of agricultural products sold on food markets by private producers, Slovenia
1) Cereals, flour, honey, flowers, olive oil, sauerkraut, sour turnip and mushrooms. Source: SURS |