Structure of earnings statistics, Slovenia, 2019

In 2019, 64.4% of persons in paid employment had average monthly gross earnings below the national average

Average monthly gross earnings of persons in paid employment in Slovenia in 2019 amounted to EUR 1,851, while the median of monthly gross earnings was EUR 1,540 (EUR 1,564 for men and EUR 1,508 for women).

  • 24 September 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
According to provisional data of the annual structure of earnings statistics, in 2019 average monthly gross earnings of persons in paid employment in Slovenia (calculated from annual gross earnings) amounted to EUR 1,851, which is 4.1% more than in the previous year. Average monthly gross earnings of men were 2.7% higher than the national average and amounted to EUR 1,901. Average monthly gross earnings of women were 3.3% lower than the national average and amounted to EUR 1,790. Average monthly gross earnings in 2019 were higher than in the previous year for both men and women (by 3.5% for men and 4.8% for women).

Distribution of average earnings in Slovenia very asymmetric

According to the data of the annual structure of earnings statistics, the distribution of earnings in Slovenia is very asymmetric. In 2019, 63.2% of persons in paid employment in Slovenia had average monthly net earnings below the national average. The median of monthly net earnings, which divides the population into two halves, was in 2019 EUR 1,026 (EUR 1,040 for men and EUR 1,008 for women), meaning that half of the persons in paid employment had average monthly net earnings lower than EUR 1,026. The first quartile was EUR 790, which means that 25% of the persons in paid employment had average monthly net earnings lower than EUR 790. On the other hand, only 10% of the persons in paid employment received average monthly net earnings higher than EUR 1,840, while only 1% of the persons in paid employment had average monthly net earnings higher than EUR 3,505.

Higher average monthly earnings than the national average only in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region; the highest increase in 2019 compared to 2018 in Pomurska 

Only persons in paid employment in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region received higher monthly gross earnings than the national average (EUR 2,056 or 11.1% more than the national average). The lowest average monthly gross earnings in 2019 were received by persons in paid employment in the Primorsko-Notranjska statistical region (EUR 1,598 or 13.7% less than the national average).

Compared to 2018, in 2019 the average monthly gross earnings increased the most in the Pomurska statistical region (by 6.0%), slightly more for women (by 6.5%) than for men (by 5.4%). The second highest increase in the average monthly gross earnings in 2019 was for women in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (by 5.6%). Compared to 2018, the average monthly gross earnings in 2019 increased the least in the Gorenjska statistical region (by 2.0%), by only 0.9% for men and by 3.5% for women.

The largest differences in the average monthly gross earnings by statistical regions in the age group 65 years and more

Compared to 2018, the average monthly gross earnings increased in 2019 in all age groups, the most in the age group 45–54 years (by 4.7%), and least in the age group 65 years and more (by 0.5%). By far the highest average monthly gross earnings in 2019 were received by employees in this age group, namely EUR 3,181 or 71.9% more than the average monthly gross earnings in Slovenia. In 2019, persons in paid employment in the Posavska statistical region received the highest average monthly gross earnings in this age group (EUR 3,705), followed by persons in paid employment in the Pomurska statistical region (EUR 3,600). The lowest average monthly gross earnings in 2019 were received by persons in paid employment in the age group 15–24, namely EUR 1,246 or 32.7% less than the average monthly gross earnings in Slovenia.

If we take a closer look at the movement of the average monthly gross earnings by statistical regions and age groups, we see that in 2019 compared to 2018 they decreased the most in the age group 65 years and more in the Zasavska statistical region (by 9.8%) and in the Koroška statistical region (by 8.7%). However, they increased the most, also in this age group, for persons in paid employment in the statistical region Jugovzhodna Slovenija (by 12.5%).

Average monthly gross earnings of persons in paid employment with the highest level of education in the general government sector and the private sector almost at the same level

In 2019, average monthly gross earnings of persons in paid employment with tertiary education in the general government sector and in the private sector were almost at the same level; the former received EUR 2,434 and the latter EUR 2,478. Persons in paid employment with this level of education in public corporations received much higher average monthly gross earnings (EUR 2,812). In 2019, persons in paid employment with upper secondary education in the general government sector received slightly higher average monthly gross earnings (EUR 1,586) than those in the private sector (EUR 1,464), while those with basic education or less in the general government sector received EUR 1,116, and in the private sector EUR 1,241. In public corporations, persons in paid employment with basic education or less received EUR 1,351 and those with upper secondary education EUR 1,724.

In all three sectors (general government, private sector and public corporations) men received significantly higher average monthly gross earnings than women

In the general government sector, the difference between the average monthly gross earnings of women and men was the smallest for persons in paid employment with tertiary education, namely men received 20.1% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did. Men with upper secondary education in the general government sector received 25.9% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did, while men with basic education or less received 21.3% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did.

In the private sector, the difference in the average monthly gross earnings of women and men was the smallest among persons in paid employment with upper secondary education; men received 15.8% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did. The difference was the highest with persons in paid employment with tertiary education, as men received 22.2% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did.

In public corporations, average monthly gross earnings of men with basic education or less were 28.6% higher than that of women, while this difference was slightly lower among persons in paid employment with upper secondary education or tertiary education; men received about 25% higher average monthly gross earnings than women did.

Table 1: Average monthly gross earnings by activities (SKD 2008), Slovenia, 2018-2019
(provisional data)
growth rate
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing1,4141,4522.7
B Mining and quarrying2,3502,3520.1
C Manufacturing1,7071,7653.4
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply2,5262,5912.6
E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1,6691,7122.6
F Construction1,3791,4313.8
G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles1,6481,7093.7
H Transportation and storage1,5941,6050.7
I Accommodation and food service activities1,2661,3214.3
J Information and communication2,3242,4324.6
K Financial and insurance activities2,5302,6645.3
L Real estate activities1,8351,8933.2
M Professional, scientific and technical activities2,0232,1154.5
N Administrative and support service activities1,2871,3394.0
O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security2,0532,2419.2
P Education1,8541,9565.5
Q Human health and social work activities1,9602,0494.5
R Arts, entertainment and recreation1,8331,9124.3
S Other service activities1,4421,5195.3
Source: SURS
Table 2: Average monthly gross earnings by occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, 2019 (provisional data)
1 MANAGERS2,9633,0022,884
11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators5,2506,2643,895
12 Administrative and commercial managers3,1913,1973,183
13 Production and specialised services managers2,6682,6882,612
14 Hospitality, retail and other services managers2,1762,2601,979
2 PROFESSIONALS2,5402,8082,372
21 Science and engineering professionals2,5992,6822,388
22 Health professionals3,0623,8002,839
23 Teaching professionals2,1532,5752,061
24 Business and administration professionals2,6532,8942,509
25 Information and communications technology professionals2,6752,7292,413
26 Legal, social and cultural professionals2,5622,7362,491
31 Science and engineering associate professionals2,0712,1081,916
32 Health associate professionals1,7751,9041,740
33 Business and administration associate professionals2,0122,2021,900
34 Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals1,7041,7071,703
35 Information and communications technicians2,0682,1061,865
41 General and keyboard clerks1,5691,7331,548
42 Customer services clerks1,6551,7991,579
43 Numerical and material recording clerks1,6331,5891,702
44 Other clerical support workers1,5321,4361,678
51 Personal service workers1,2441,3241,176
52 Sales workers1,2991,4991,218
53 Personal care workers1,3291,4001,317
54 Protective services workers1,8211,8681,532
61 Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers1,2261,2751,168
62 Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers1,3571,3461,570
71 Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians1,3001,2981,398
72 Metal, machinery and related trades workers1,5471,5621,296
73 Handicraft and printing workers1,4971,5691,291
74 Electrical and electronic trades workers1,7071,7141,292
75 Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers1,3011,3701,182
81 Stationary plant and machine operators1,5211,6151,262
82 Assemblers1,2291,4051,122
83 Drivers and mobile plant operators1,4111,4121,252
91 Cleaners and helpers1,0411,1911,024
92 Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers1,112zz
93 Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport1,2271,3001,111
94 Food preparation assistants1,0641,1261,051
95 Street and related sales and service workers1,218zz
96 Refuse workers and other elementary workers1,2411,2921,133
01 Commissioned armed forces officers3,2693,3722,771
02 Non-commissioned armed forces officers2,4762,5112,194
03 Armed forces occupations, other ranks1,8771,9041,732
Footnote: z - confidential
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.