Gross domestic product by region, Slovenia, 2015

In 2015 the economic growth of Obalno-kraška and Primorsko-notranjska regions at 6.4% and 6.1%, respectively

In 2015 the GDP was higher than in 2014 in all regions except in one. On average it was 3.3% higher. It grew the most in Obalno-kraška (6.4%) and Primorsko-notranjska (6.1%) regions; in Zasavska it was 2.1% lower. Employment increased by 1.2% in Vzhodna Slovenija and by 1.1% in Zahodna Slovenija.

  • 15 December 2016 at 10:30
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In most statistical regions positive GDP growth also in 2015
In 2015 the GDP was nominally higher by 3.3% and stood at EUR 38,570 million. In Zahodna Slovenija it was higher by 3.6% (EUR 21,640 million), in Vzhodna Slovenija by 2.9% (EUR 16,930 million).
The GDP per capita was the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska region (EUR 26,418), 41.3% above the Slovenian average and 87.5 percentage points more than the lowest GDP per capita in the Zasavska region (EUR 10,060). Most of the regions reached 80‑96% of the average GDP per capita, Pomurska and Primorsko-notranjska reached less than 70%.

The position of Slovenian cohesion regions in the European Union
The gross domestic products per capita of Vzhodna Slovenija and Zahodna Slovenija are both below the average of the European Union. In 2014, for when the most recent data for EU Member States are available, Zahodna Slovenija reached 98% of the EU average and ranked 113th out of 276 NUTS 2 regions, while Vzhodna Slovenija reached 68% and ranked 218th.
The data on gross domestic product per capita in Chart 2 are expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS)1. The highest gross domestic products are generated in the regions with capital cities. The chart shows that the differences between the regions are the smallest in Sweden, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Croatia and other countries with gross domestic products below the EU average.

Gross value added increased also in 2015
In 2015 the gross value added increased the most in the Obalno-kraška region (by 6.4%), where it stood at EUR 1,828 million. It increased the most in information and communication (by 17.6%). In the Primorsko-notranjska region the gross value added increased the most in professional, technical and other business activities (by 11.6%) and in manufacturing (by 8.1%). On the other hand, the gross value added in the Pomurska region decreased considerably in construction (by 14.6%) and in the Posavska region in financial and insurance activities (by 14.0%).

The employment rate in 2015 higher, the share of the compensation of employees in GDP lower than in 2014
In 2015 the employment rate increased in both cohesion regions, i.e. Zahodna and Vzhodna Slovenija (by 1.1% and 1.2%, respectively). In Zahodna Slovenija there were 492,565 employed persons, in Vzhodna Slovenija 448,929.

In 2015 the share of the compensation of employees in GDP decreased again and reached the level of 49.0%, which is the same as in 2007. In Zahodna Slovenija cohesion region the share decreased to 50.0% of GDP of this region and was compared to 2014 lower by 0.5 of a percentage point. In Vzhodna Slovenija the share was 47.8%.

We are publishing also revised data

The differences from previously published data on GDP and other aggregates by region for the 2012–2014 period arise due to the routine annual harmonization with the national level data.

1) Purchasing power standard (PPS) is the technical term used by Eurostat for the common currency in which national accounts aggregates are expressed when adjusted for price level differences using special converters – PPPs. 1 PPS at the level of EU equals to one euro.

Interactive map 1: Gross value added, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2015


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Source: SURS (STAGE)
Chart 1: Gross domestic product per capita and per employee1), statistical regions, Slovenia, 2015
Chart 1: Gross domestic product per capita and per employee<sup>1)</sup>, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2015
1) The figure includes the employed and self-employed according to national accounts concepts.
Source: SURS
Chart 2: Gross domestic product in PPS per capita, NUTS 2 regions, 2014
Chart 2: Gross domestic product in PPS per capita, NUTS 2 regions, 2014
Source: Eurostat
Table 1: Gross domestic product by statistical and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2015
Mio EURStructura
.Per capita
Vzhodna Slovenija16,93043.915,49382.9
  Jugovzhodna Slovenija2,5546.617,94196.0
Zahodna Slovenija21,64056.122,296119.3
Source: SURS
Table 2: Gross domestic product, Slovene and neighboring NUTS2 regions
Per capita, Index, EU=100
Evropska unija100.0
Friuli-Venezia Giulia101.1
Zahodna Slovenija98.2
Vzhodna Slovenija68.3
Kontinentalna Hrvatska59.8
Jadranska Hrvatska56.5
Source: Eurostat
SURS has been disseminating the data as of 1 January 2015 on according to the changed cohesion and statistical regions. These changes are in line with the NUTS Regulation (EC) No. 1319/2013 and are explained in a Special Release published in December 2013.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.