Economic accounts for tourism, Slovenia, 2012, estimation for 2014

Economic accounts for tourism, Slovenia, 2012, estimation for 2014

Total tourism consumption in Slovenia in 2012 was estimated at EUR 3,526 million and in 2014 at EUR 3,587 million. Tourism (direct) gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to EUR 1,747 million in 2012 and to EUR 1,824 million in 2014 and represented 4.9% of the total GDP in Slovenia.

  • 18 December 2015 at 10:30
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In the release we show results of calculations of the economic importance of tourism, which were prepared on the basis of the methodology of tourism satellite accounts (TSA). We prepared the calculations for 2012 on the basis of detailed data from the tourism consumption and supply side and on the basis of available data and indicators estimated aggregates for 2014.

The most important macroeconomic aggregates which are derived from the preparation of TSA and which we present here are value of tourism consumption in the country according to individual categories, tourism value added and tourism GDP.


Tourism consumption in Slovenia

Total tourism expenditure in Slovenia in 2012 was estimated at EUR 3,449 million and in 2014 at EUR 3,515 million and grew by 1.9% in this period. Other components of tourism consumption were estimated at EUR 77 and 73 million, respectively; total internal tourism consumption was therefore EUR 3,526 million in 2012 and EUR 3,587 million in 2014. Out of total tourism expenditure, expenditure of foreign visitors represented 68% (EUR 2,343 million) in 2012 and 69% (EUR 2,408 million) in 2014.


Tourism expenditure of foreign visitors

Among total expenditure of foreign visitors, in both years expenditure of foreign tourists, i.e. visitors with at least one overnight, represented around 42% of total expenditure (EUR 974 million in 2012 and EUR 1,017 million in 2014) and expenditure of same-day visitors (excursionists or transit guests) around 58% (EUR 1.369 million in 2012 and EUR 1,391 million in 2014). Expenditure of foreign tourists grew by 4.4% in this period and expenditure of same-day visitors by 1.6%; total increase of expenditures of foreign visitors was 2.8%.


Tourism expenditure of domestic residents in Slovenia

Tourism expenditure of domestic residents in Slovenia comprises expenditure on the domestic trips and domestic part of expenditure on the trips abroad. Expenditure on the domestic trips was in 2012 estimated at EUR 809 million and in 2014 at EUR 814 million, which is 73% and 74% of total expenditure of domestic visitors, respectively. Out of this, expenditure of tourists represented 42% and 43%, respectively, and expenditure of same-day visitors 58% and 57%, respectively. The domestic part of expenditure on the trips abroad amounted to EUR 297 million in 2012 and EUR 293 million in 2014 or 27% and 26%, respectively, of total expenditure of domestic visitors in Slovenia.


Tourism expenditure of domestic residents abroad

Tourism expenditure of domestic residents abroad was in 2012 estimated at EUR 906 million and in 2014 at EUR 923 million. Therefore, expenditure of domestic residents for travels abroad amounted together with the domestic part of expenditure for these trips to EUR 1,203 in 2012 and to EUR 1,216 million in 2014, and was much higher than expenditure of domestic residents for travels in Slovenia (EUR 809 million in 2012 and EUR 814 million in 2014).


Tourism value added and tourism gross domestic product (GDP)

Tourism consumption represented 3.6% of total supply of goods and services in the economy in 2012 and 3.5% in 2014. Upon the calculation of the shares that domestic producers have in the supply of individual groups of tourism products, tourism (direct) value added was calculated. It amounted to EUR 1,162 million in 2012 and EUR 1,182 million in 2014 and in both years represented the same share, i.e. 3.7% of total value added in the economy. Tourism value added in tourism characteristic activities represented around 67% of total tourism value added.

Tourism (direct) GDP comprises in addition to value added also net taxes on expenditures for tourism goods and services. Taking into account all taxes paid as a consequence of tourism consumption, tourism GDP amounted to EUR 1,747 million in 2012 and EUR 1,824 million in 2014 and in both years represented 4.9% of total GDP in Slovenia.


Total, direct and indirect effects of tourism consumption

In addition to direct effects that tourism consumption has on the increase in output, value added and GDP, also indirect effect can be estimated, since tourism consumption triggers demand also in other parts of the economy supplying goods and services for the production of tourism products, i.e. multipliers effects. With the increase in output, incomes of households are also increased and these further trigger demand and expenditure. For the calculation of total effects we therefore used input-output multipliers, augmented for the consideration of changes in incomes and expenditure of households (SAM-multipliers). The calculated total value added which was the consequence of tourism consumption amounted to EUR 2,261 million in 2012 and EUR 2,300 million in 2014 or 7.2% and 7.1%, respectively, of total value added in the economy. The calculated total GDP which was the consequence of tourism consumption amounted to EUR 2,959 million in 2012 and EUR 3,058 in 2014 or 8.2% of GDP in the economy.


Detailed TSA tables which contain data on individual categories of tourism consumption and their structure by products, connection of tourism consumption with tourism supply and other indicators are published in the attachments.

Table 1: Internal tourism consumption, Slovenia, 2012, 2014
mio EUR%mio EUR%
Tourism expenditure3,449983,51598
Other components of tourism consumption772732
Total internal tourism consumption3,5261003,587100
Tourism expenditure by foreign visitors2,343682,40869
Tourism expenditure by domestic visitors1,106321,10731
Source: SURS
Table 2: Tourism expenditure by foreign visitors, 2012, 2014
mio EUR%mio EUR%
Expenditure by foreign tourists974421,01742
Expenditure by foreign same-day visitors1,369581,39158
Source: SURS
Table 3: Domestic tourism expenditure, 2012, 2014
mio EUR%mio EUR%
Expenditure by residents in Slovenia8097381474
Domestic part of expenditure of residents on outbound trips (trips abroad)2972729326
Expenditure by domestic tourists on trips in Slovenia3434235043
Expenditure by domestic same-day visitors on trips in Slovenia4665846457
Domestic part of expenditure of resident tourists on outbound trips2327823179
Domestic part of expenditure of resident same-day visitors on outbound trips64226221
Source: SURS
Table 4: Tourism expenditure of residents abroad (outbound tourism expenditure), total tourism expenditure of residents for outbound trips, 2012, 2014
mio EUR%mio EUR%
Tourism expenditure of residents abroad (outbound tourism expenditure)9067592376
Domestic part of expenditure for outbound trips2972529324
Total expenditure of domestic residents for outbound trips1,2031001,216100
Source: SURS
Table 5: Tourism value added and tourism gross domestic product (GDP), direct and indirect effects of tourism consumption, 2012, 2014
Tourism value added, mio EUR1,1621,182
Total value added in the economy, mio EUR31,21132,203
Share of tourism value added in total value added, %3.73.7
Tourism GDP, mio EUR1,7471,824
Total GDP in the economy, mio EUR35,98837,303
Share of tourism GDP in total GDP of the economy, %4.94.9
Direct and indirect effects of tourism consumption
Total value added in the economy as a consequence of tourism consumption, mio EUR2,2612,300
Share in total value added of the economy, %7.27.1
Total GDP as a consequence of tourism consumption, mio EUR2,9593,058
Share in total GDP, %8.28.2
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.