Population Census 2002 results
>> Slovenia :
Population :
Education |
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Population aged
15 years or over by educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, Census
1991 and 2002 |
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Population aged
15 years or over by educational attainment, age and sex, Slovenia,
Census 2002 |
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attending educational programmes for obtaining state approved
education and population that participated in the last 12 months in
other educational or training programmes by age groups and sex,
Slovenia, 2002 Census |
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Population aged
15 years or over attending educational programmes for obtaining
state approved education by the level of education they will obtain
after finishing the programme, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2002
Census |
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attending educational programmes for obtaining state approved
education and population that participated in the last 12 months in
other educational or training programmes by activity and sex,
Slovenia, 2002 Census |
Show results for:
First Release |
PDF - 108 KB
Basic data on the
population, families, buildings and dwellings in Slovenia, and
changes between the 1991 and 2002 censuses. |
Rapid Reports, Population |
Censuses in Slovenia 1948–1991 and Census 2002 |
PDF - 5,23 MB |
Short analytical overview of the
population, households and housing in Slovenia in words,
pictures and figures.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,
Vožarski pot 12, 1000 LJUBLJANA, |