Population Census 2002 results
>> Statistical regions
: Families
Families |
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Families by
type, statistical regions, Slovenia, Census 2002 |
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Families by the
number of children, statistical regions, Slovenia, Census 2002 |
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Families by the
number of children and type of family, statistical regions,
Slovenia, Census 2002 |
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composition of families by type of family, statistical regions,
Slovenia, 2002 Census |
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composition of families by ethnic affiliation of family members,
statistical regions, Slovenia, 2002 Census |
Show results for:
First Release |

PDF - 108 KB
Basic data on the
population, families, buildings and dwellings in Slovenia, and
changes between the 1991 and 2002 censuses. |
Rapid Reports, Population |
Censuses in Slovenia 1948–1991 and Census 2002 |

PDF - 5,23 MB |
Short analytical overview of the
population, households and housing in Slovenia in words,
pictures and figures.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,
Vožarski pot 12, 1000 LJUBLJANA, |