Koroška region


Source: Archive RRA Koroška

With 1,041 square kilometres, the Koroška statistical region is the third smallest region by surface area. It is also the third smallest region in terms of population. In 2022, just under 71,000 people lived here, which is 3.4% of total Slovenia's population. With 68 people per square kilometre, this region was one of the least densely populated regions in the country. The share of foreign nationals was 6.1%, the second lowest among regions. It was lower only in Pomurska, namely 2.8%. The population of the region was on average 44.9 years old, a year older than the national average. The share of children born to unmarried mothers was the second highest with 68.7%. The share of married people was the second lowest (42.0%) and the share of divorced people the lowest among the regions (5.6%). The share of population (25–64 years) with upper secondary education was the highest (60.4%), while the share with tertiary education was the third lowest (27.2%).

The employment rate in Koroška was 65.9% and the LFS unemployment rate was 3.1%, both the third lowest. Average monthly net earnings in 2022 in this region amounted to EUR 1,247, which was 5% less than the national average. In the Koroška statistical region, 2.6% of the national GDP was generated. GDP per capita was the fourth lowest in the country (EUR 20,917). The passenger cars were here among the youngest in Slovenia (10.4 years). In the region the least municipal waste per capita was generated, 375 kilograms, 24% less than the national average. Koroška was the only region with the value for this indicator below 400 kg per capita. Households in the region were supplied the smallest amount of water per capita from the public water supply (31 cubic metres).

In 2022, residents of this region assessed general satisfaction with their life with the average score of 7.4 out of 10, which was the second lowest score among regions. The same rating was recorded in Goriška, Obalno-kraška and Primorsko-notranjska. This region had the lowest share of people living in dwellings with too few rooms for the number of household members: 4.5%, 6.5 percentage points lower than the national average. As many as 86% of households considered their dwelling to be in good condition (i.e. they had no problems with leaking roofs, damp walls or foundations, or rot in window frames or floors). However, the share of households where all household members can afford a one-week annual holiday away from home was the lowest in the country (67%).

Population pyramid for 2022

The population pyramid is a graphical illustration of the age and sex structure of the population. The length of an individual bar in the chart represents the share of population in an individual age group. If you position the cursor on a single line, the share is displayed. The share of the male population is shown on the left side and of the female population on the right side of the pyramid.

Surface area (sq. km) - 1 January 1,041 20,271
Population - Total - 1 July 70,648 2,108,732
Population density - 1 July 67.9 104.0
Mean age (years) - 1 July 44.9 43.9
Total increase per 1,000 population 1.9 4.6
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place) 22,222 824,134
Employment rate (%) 65.9 68.6
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR) 1,246.9 1,318.64
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR) 3,076,638 165,285,133
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December 10.4 10.9

More data in public database SiStat