Regarding the area, Posavska is the second smallest region in Slovenia. Nevertheless, with 968 square kilometres it is twice as large as the smallest region, Zasavska. The Posavska statistical region had about 4% of Slovenia’s population in 2022. The mean age of the population was 44.6 years. The region recorded a natural decrease, while net migration was positive. Total increase was 154 persons or 2 per 1,000 population. The share of the region's population aged 0–14 was 14.8%, slightly below the national average (15.0%), while the share of the population aged 65+ was 22.2%, 0.9 of a percentage point higher than the national average. The mean age of mother at birth of children was the lowest in this region. On average, women in Posavska gave birth at the age of 30.2 years. The share of mothers under the age of 20 was the second highest in this region (2.3%), while the share of children born to mothers aged 35 or over was the lowest (18.2%). Life expectancy at birth was the lowest for girls born in 2022 (82.0 years) and the second lowest for boys (76.9 years). The premature mortality rate, which measures the share of people under 65 who died in a particular year, was the highest among the regions, at 17%. Posavska, Zasavska and Pomurska also had the lowest mean age at death, 77.8 years in each. The share of the population (25–64 years) with tertiary education was at 27.6% the fourth lowest and below the national average (32.7%), while the share of the population with basic education or less was at 13.5% above the national average (12.2%).

In 2022, the employment rate in the Posavska statistical region (69.5%) was slightly above the national average. The gap between the employment rate for men (74.7%) and the employment rate for women (63.7%) was the second highest at 11 percentage points. More than a third of the persons in employment in the region worked outside the region of residence (35.2%). Average monthly net earnings were EUR 69 below the national average; they amounted to EUR 1,250. GDP per capita was EUR 21,132. Disposable income per capita in the region amounted to EUR 15,104 and was 0.6% below the national average.

Residents of this region assessed their life satisfaction with 7.6 out of 10, the same as the average in the country and the same as in Zasavska. At 0.9%, the severe material deprivation rate was the second lowest at the regional level. The at-risk-of-poverty rate was 12.1%, the same as the national average. The region ranks third in the number of passenger cars per 1,000 population (603) and their age (11.6 years). In the region, 470 kg of municipal waste was generated per capita. This was 79 kilograms per capita less than in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region, where the largest amount of municipal waste per capita was generated. Households in the region were supplied on average 34.5 m3 of water per capita from the public water supply, which was the third lowest quantity at the regional level.