The Pomurska statistical region had 5.4% of Slovenia’s population in 2022. There were 86 inhabitants per square kilometre, while the average for Slovenia was 104. The mean age of the population was the highest in Slovenia (46.3 years). Residents of this region were on average 4 years older than in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region, where the mean age of the population was the lowest. The region stood out with the highest natural decrease (-5.5 per 1,000 population) and the lowest share of foreign citizens in the population (2.8%). There were more women than men; the only other such regions were Obalno-kraška and Osrednjeslovenska. The age structure of the population was the least favourable here. The share of young people (aged 0–14) was the lowest at 13.1% and the share of population aged 65 or more was the highest (24.6%). Life expectancy at birth was the lowest for boys and the fifth lowest for girls. Boys born in 2022 in this region can expect to live 76.2 years, while girls can expect to live 83.0 years. The share of children born to unmarried mothers was the highest (69.1%). It was 18.5 percentage points higher than in Osrednjeslovenska, where it was the lowest. This region has the second highest share of children aged 1–5 included in kindergartens (83.3%). In the region, the share of the population (25–64 years) with basic education or less was the highest at 16.5%, and the share of the population with tertiary education was the lowest at 24.7%. It also had the lowest number of students per 1,000 population (28), compared to the national average of 38 students per 1,000 population.

The employment rates for men (63.5%) and women (58.0%) were the lowest in Slovenia, as well as the gender gap (5.5 percentage points). Average monthly net earnings of persons employed in the region were the third lowest of all regions, at EUR 1,214, 7.9% below the national average. The lowest disposable income per capita was recorded in this region, EUR 13,953 or 8.2% below the national average. In the Pomurska statistical region, 3.7% of the national GDP was generated in 2022. GDP per capita amounted to EUR 18,534 or 31.5% less than the average in Slovenia. The region had about 8,400 enterprises, which on average employed 4.2 people.

Residents of Pomurska assessed general satisfaction with their life with the lowest average score of 7.3 out of 10. The region was second in terms of the number of convicted persons (adults and juveniles) per 1,000 population (3.2). The at-risk-of-poverty rate was the second highest (15.9%). The second highest was also the risk of social exclusion (17.1%), which was 8.5 percentage points lower than in Obalno-kraška, where it was the highest, and 8.0 percentage points higher than in Goriška, where it was the lowest. Dwellings that were in bad condition (problems such as a leaking roof, damp walls/floors/foundation, or rot in window frames or the floor) were inhabited by 23% of households, which was, the same as in Jugovzhodna Slovenija, the highest share among the regions. On the other hand, the region had the second lowest overcrowding rate; 4.8% of people lived in dwellings with too few rooms for the number of household members.