Municipality Žirovnica


Source: Wikipedija (, 22. 6. 2010), author SI-Ziga

Municipality Žirovnica, which is part of the Gorenjska statistical region, measures 43 km2; this ranks it 143rd among Slovene municipalities.

Statistical data for 2022 reveal the following:

In the middle of 2022 about 4,490 people (about 2,270 men and 2,220 women) were living in the municipality, which ranks Žirovnica 114th among Slovene municipalities. The population density was 106 people per square kilometre, which was higher than the national average of 104 people per square kilometre.

The number of live births was higher than the number of deaths, which means that natural increase per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 1.6 (in Slovenia –2.3). The number of people who moved from the municipality was lower than the number of people who moved into the municipality, so net migration per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 4.5. The sum of natural increase and net migration per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 6.0 (in Slovenia 4.6).

The mean age of people in Žirovnica was 44.9 years, which was higher than the national average (43.9).

As in most Slovene municipalities, in Žirovnica the number of old people was higher than the number of young people: there were 155 people, aged 65 or more, per 100 people aged 0–14. This ratio shows that the value of the ageing index was higher than the national average of 142. It also shows that the mean age of people in Žirovnica is growing more rapidly than in Slovenia as a whole. Data by sex show that the ageing index for women was in all municipalities except in four (Črna na Koroškem, Dobrovnik/Dobronak, Jezersko in Mislinja) higher than the ageing index for men. In Žirovnica – as in most Slovene municipalities – more women were 65+ years old than 14 or less; for men the situation was the same.

Žirovnica had 1 kindergarten, which was attended by 174 children. Of all children in the municipality aged 1–5, 86% were included in kindergartens, which was more than the national average of 82%. In the school year 2022/23 elementary school in Žirovnica was attended by about 410 pupils, while various upper secondary schools were attended by about 170 pupils. There were 34 students and 6 graduates per 1,000 people in the municipality; in Slovenia the averages were 38 per 1,000 and 8 per 1,000, respectively.

Among people aged 15–64 (i.e. working age population) about 74% were persons in employment (i.e. persons in paid employment or self–employed persons), which is more than the national average (69%).

In Žirovnica, average monthly gross earnings per person employed by legal persons were about 6% lower than the annual average of monthly earnings for Slovenia; net earnings were about 5% lower.

Among 1,000 inhabitants in the municipality, 607 had a passenger car. The car was on average 10 years old.

In 2022, 423 kg of municipal waste per person was collected in Žirovnica, which is 62 kg more than on average in Slovenia.

Population pyramid for 2022

The population pyramid is a graphical illustration of the age and sex structure of the population. The length of an individual bar in the chart represents the share of population in an individual age group. If you position the cursor on a single line, the share is displayed. The share of the male population is shown on the left side and of the female population on the right side of the pyramid.

Surface area (sq. km) - 1 January 43 20,271
Population - Total - 1 July 4,491 2,108,732
Population density - 1 July 106 104
Mean age (years) - 1 July 44.9 43.9
Total increase per 1,000 population 6.0 4.6
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place) 564 824,134
Employment rate (%) 73.5 68.6
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR) 1,253.77 1,318.64
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR) 116,268 165,285,133
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December 10.2 10.9

More data in public database SiStat