Surface area (sq. km) - 1 January 69 20,271
Population - Total - 1 July 656 2,108,732
Population - Men - 1 July 328 1,059,168
Population - Women - 1 July 328 1,049,564
Population density - 1 July 10 104
Natural increase 1 -4,865
Total increase 5 10
Live births per 1,000 population 12.2 8.4
Deaths per 1,000 population 10.7 10.7
Natural increase per 1,000 population 1.5 -2.3
Total net migration per 1,000 population 6.1 7.0
Total increase per 1,000 population 7.6 4.6
Mean age (years) - 1 July 43.7 43.9
Ageing index - 1 July 135.1 141.8
Ageing index for men - 1 July 158.3 119.9
Ageing index for women - 1 July 117.5 165.1
Number of kindergartens 0 992
Number of children in kindergartens (by pre-school provider) - 86,177
Children aged 1-5 in kindergartens (%) 75 82
Number of pupils 34 197,062
Number of upper secondary school pupils (by residence) 23 77,462
Number of tertiary students (by residence) 27 79,987
Tertiary students (per 1,000 population) 40 38
Tertiary graduates (per 1,000 population) 4 8
Number of persons in employment (by residence) 303 921,998
Number of persons in employment (by work place) 147 921,998
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place) 95 824,134
Number of self-employed persons (by work place) 52 97,864
Employment rate (%) 75.4 68.6
Average monthly gross earnings per person (EUR) 1,725.24 2,023.92
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR) 1,142.87 1,318.64
Average monthly gross earnings (index, SI=100) 85.2 100.0
Average monthly net earnings (index, SI=100) 86.7 100.0
Number of enterprises 80 221,483
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR) 8,022 165,285,133
Number of dwellings - 1 January 364 864,323
Number of dwellings (per 1,000 population) 547 410
Share of dwellings with three or more rooms (%) 63 62
Average useful floor space (m2) of dwellings 82.6 83.3
Number of passenger cars - 31 December 386 1,207,755
Number of passenger cars (per 1,000 inhabitants) - 31 December 575 571
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December 10.4 10.9
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (tons) 186 760,838
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (kg/capita per year) 284 361

More data in public database SiStat