- Names
- Birthdays
Check how many residents of Slovenia have the same first name, family name or a combination of both
Both search fields are empty. You have to complete at least one of them – first name or family name.
Data refer to 1 January 2024, when the population of Slovenia was 2,123,949.
Data on first names and family names that on the reference day appear fewer than five times are not shown due to the protection of statistical confidentiality. Data by statistical regions and birth period are protected using the cell suppression method
Check how many residents of Slovenia were born on the same date
Please enter a valid date (e.g. 12. 04. 2012)
Data refer to 1 January 2024, when the population of Slovenia was 2,123,949.
Data on the number of residents born on an individual day before 1 January 1933 are not shown due to the protection of statistical confidentiality.
Birthdays of all residents of Slovenia
Number of residents of Slovenia born:
16. aprila (petek)