Web sales, 2023

More enterprises generated turnover with web sales of goods or services last year

Turnover with web sales was generated by 22% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed in 2023: 15% via their own website or of the parent enterprise or via extranet and 12% via e-commerce marketplaces. Enterprises generated 3.8% of turnover (excl. VAT) with web sales.

  • 5 november 2024 ob 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Fewer than a fifth of enterprises provide on the website the possibility of online ordering or reservation or booking 

81% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed are present on the Internet with a website – 79% of small, 90% of medium-sized and all of large enterprises. As regards the activity, 76% of enterprises in manufacturing and 86% in service activities.
A website allows enterprises to reach a wider audience and present them the products or services they offer. 80% of enterprises present on the website a description of goods or services they offer, catalogues or price information and 18% provide the possibility of online ordering or reservation or booking – 17% of small, 19% of medium-sized and 38% of large enterprises.

In the first quarter of 2024, more than three-quarters of 16–74-year-olds (79%; 77% in 2023) searched for information about goods or services over the Internet. 66% made at least one online purchase (bought or ordered a product or a service) in a 12-month period (April 2023–March 2024) before interviewing, which is the same as a year before. See more in the release Online purchases, 2024.

Moderate growth in the number of enterprises that generated turnover with web sales

In 2023, 22% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed received orders for products or services, reservations via websites and generated turnover with web sales (20% in 2022) – 22% of small, 21% of medium-sized and 39% of large enterprises. As regards the activity, 36% of enterprises in service activities and 8% in manufacturing generated web sales turnover, and from the point of cohesion regions, a quarter of enterprises in Zahodna Slovenija and 19% of enterprises in Vzhodna Slovenija.

Enterprises generated turnover with the sale of products or services:
  • 15% via their own website or a website of the parent enterprise, via extranet (14% in 2022) – 14% of small, 15% of medium-sized and 36% of large enterprises.
  • 12% via websites used by several enterprises for trading products or services (e-commerce marketplaces), e.g. platform for online reservation or sale of physical goods (10% in 2022) – 12% of small, 10% of medium-sized and 11% of large enterprises.
As regards the activity, 7% of enterprises in manufacturing generated turnover with web sales via their own website or of the parent enterprise, via extranet and 2% via e-commerce marketplace. In service activities, 23% of enterprises generated turnover via their own website or of the parent enterprise, via extranet and 21% via e-commerce marketplace. 

As regards web sales, the largest share of turnover generated with sales of physical goods

In 2023, enterprises generated 3.8% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales – small enterprises 4.4%, medium-sized 5.6% and large 2.6%. Enterprises in service activities generated 5.7% of total turnover and in manufacturing 2.0%, and from the point of cohesion regions, 4.1% in Zahodna Slovenija and 3.4% in Vzhodna Slovenija.

The value of the turnover generated with web sales amounted to around EUR 3,700 million (excluding VAT). 27% of this turnover was generated by small, 39% by medium-sized and 34% by large enterprises.

Enterprises generated:
  • 86% of the turnover with web sales via own website or of the parent enterprise, via extranet (89% in 2022) and 14% via e-commerce marketplaces (11% in 2022).
  • 74% of the turnover with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities (68% in 2022) and 26% to private consumers (32% in 2022). The value of turnover generated with web sales to private consumers amounted to around EUR 964 million (excluding VAT).
  • 80% of the turnover with web sales of physical goods, 17% with services and 3% with sales of digital goods or services that were digitally delivered, e.g. subscriptions on streaming services, digital magazines.
  • Almost half of the turnover with web sales in Slovenia (49%), 40% to other EU Member States and 10% to the rest of the world.

More enterprises in trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles generated turnover with web sales 

In trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G 45–47 of NACE Rev. 2) 44% of enterprises provided the possibility of online ordering or reservation or booking on the website. In 2023, 41% of enterprises in this activity generated turnover with web sales (39% in 2022). They generated with web sales 5.8% of turnover (excluding VAT) or around EUR 1,928 million. 34% of the turnover was generated with web sales to private consumers.

In retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G 47 of NACE Rev. 2), 48% of enterprises provided the possibility of online ordering or reservation or booking on the website. Last year, 45% of enterprises generated turnover with web sales (43% in 2022), which amounted to 3.9% of their turnover (excluding VAT) or around EUR 632 million. 85% of the turnover was generated with web sales to private consumers.

More than half of turnover from web sales via e-commerce marketplace generated in the section transport and storage

In 2023, 12% of enterprises generated turnover with web sales via websites used by several enterprises for trading products or services (e-commerce marketplace). This way enterprises generated around EUR 510 million (excluding VAT) of turnover or 0.5% of total turnover (excluding VAT) (0.4% in 2022). 48% of this turnover was generated by small, 42% by medium-sized and 10% by large enterprises.

The largest share of turnover generated via e-commerce marketplace (57%) was generated in the section of activities transport and storage (H 49–53 of NACE Rev. 2), followed with 19% by accommodation (G 55 of NACE Rev. 2) and with 9% food and beverage service activities (G 56 of NACE Rev. 2).

More enterprises pay for advertisement on the Internet

Online advertising allows enterprises to reach globally, precisely target consumers and measure the success of marketing campaigns. 27% of enterprises are currently paying for advertisement on the Internet, e.g. adverts on search engines, on social media (e.g. on Google, Facebook, YouTube), on other websites (21% in 2023) – 27% of small, 22% of medium-sized and 46% of large enterprises.

As in the previous year, when paying to advertise on the Internet, the enterprises most often use the method based on content of the website or keywords searched by internet users – contextual advertising (24%; 19% in 2023). The methods based on the tracking of internet users' past activities or profile or on the geolocation of Internet users follow with 12% each.

Tables with the latest data, including by cohesion regions, are available in the SiStat Database.
Enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed generating a part of their turnover with web sales, Slovenia
Enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed generating a part of their turnover with web sales, Slovenia
Enterprises generating turnover with web sales, Slovenia, 2023
10 or more employees
and self-employed
10–49 employees
and self-employed
50–249 employees
and self-employed
250 or more employees
and self-employed
Web sales22222139
Web sales via own website15141536
Web sales via e-commerce marketplaces12121011
The published data are estimates derived from the survey on the sample that represents enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed persons. An enterprise may consist of several ownership-related legal entities, as long as they operate on the market as one independent enterprise.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.

The survey is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Eurostat. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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