Public sewage system, 2023

72.4% of waste water discharged from the public sewage system was treated in treatment plants

In 2023, 18.5% more waste water than in the previous year was brought into the public sewage system in Slovenia. More than two thirds of waste water was treated before release.

  • 11 december 2024 ob 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Slightly more urban waste water generated 

256.4 million m3 of waste water from different sources was brought into the public sewage system last year in Slovenia: 0.1% from agriculture, 4.5% from industry, 7.4% from other activities and 31.3% from households, while the remaining 56.7% was other waste water, such as rainwater, run-off rainwater, seawater intrusion etc.

Households generated 80.3 million m3 of urban waste water, which is 10.7% more than a year earlier.

Two thirds of waste water treated before release

185.7 million m3 of waste water was treated before release from the public sewage system into the environment. The largest quantity of waste water was treated with tertiary treatment (90%).

The share of the treated waste water was the largest (100%) in the Pomurska statistical region, followed by Jugovzhodna Slovenija and Primorsko-notranjska statistical regions (97%), and the Obalno-kraška statistical region (92%). In all these regions the largest share of waste water was treated with tertiary treatment, namely in Pomurska 88%, in Jugovzhodna Slovenija 75%, in Primorsko-notranjska 88% and in Obalno-kraška 97%. The share of waste water treated with secondary treatment was the largest in the Koroška statistical region (68%), followed by the Posavska statistical region (43%).

The remaining 70.7 million m3 or 27.6% of waste water remained untreated. Almost 96.5% of untreated waste water was discharged into surface water and the remaining 3.5% into ground water and on the coast. Treated waste water was discharged in almost equal shares: 96.3% into surface water, slightly over 2.2% into ground water and about 1.5% on the coast.

Larger quantities of drainage waste water (rainwater and run-off rainwater)

Rainwater and run-off rain water represented 56.7% of waste water in 2023. Compared to the previous year, the quantity increased by 33%, which is the result of the floods that hit Slovenia last year. Almost 145.5 million m3 of waste water ran off from roofs and hardened paved areas into the public sewage.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Waste water by sources of pollution, Slovenia, 2023
Waste water by sources of pollution, Slovenia, 2023
Treated and untreated waste municipal water discharged, Slovenia
20222023 2023
mio. m3 % change
  untreated municipal waste water60.370.717.2
  treated municipal waste water155.9185.719.1
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
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