Correction – Public water supply, 2023

Correction – the data on Public water supply, 2023 are published again

Due to some errors in statistical data on water supply to households, water abstraction by water source, key data for waters and water indicators, the data published with the release on 19 December 2024 are published again. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  • 16 januar 2025 ob 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Slightly more water abstracted 

183 million cubic metres of water were abstracted in Slovenia in 2023, which is 2.0% more than in the previous year. 179 million cubic metres of water (or 2.2% more) were abstracted from groundwater – of which 64.3 million from springs, while 4.1 million cubic metres of water (or as much as a year earlier) were abstracted from surface water.

The amount of water abstracted from the Danube river basin went down by 0.4% and from the Adriatic Sea river basin up by 15.3%.

Households consumed less, businesses consumed more 

Households consumed 82 million cubic metres of water from the public water supply or 4.2% less than in the previous year, while business entities consumed 42.8 million cubic metres of water or 13.0% more.

4.6 million cubic metres of water were supplied but uncharged (water from hydrants, water for firefighting, water for cleaning roads, etc.), which is 4.7% more than a year before, and 53.7 million cubic metres of water were lost as a result of poorly maintained networks, which is 4.3% more.

Slightly more connections to the water supply network

The entire water supply network in 2023 was 44,779 kilometres long, while, compared to the end of the previous year, the number of connections to the water supply network increased by 7.2% to 573,695. 

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Water supplied and water loss, Slovenia, 2023
Water supplied and water loss, Slovenia, 2023
Water provided in public water supply by water sources and by sub-basins, Slovenia, 2023
of which
 mio. m3
Donava Basin151314839
   Sava sub-basin112310933
   Drava sub-basin28-285
   Mura sub-basin9-9-
   Kolpa sub-basin2-21
Sea river basin3213125
   The coast sub-basin15-159
   Soča sub-basin1711616
- no occurrence of event
Water supplied from water supply without loss, Slovenia
20222023 2023
mio. m3 % change
   activities business entities38.042.812.6
   supplied but uncharged water4.44.64.5
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Pri uporabi podatkov in informacij Statističnega urada RS vedno navedite: "Vir: SURS".
Več: Avtorske pravice.