Water accounts, 2022

In 2022 slightly less water used from the environment than in 2015

In 2022, 124 million m3 of water was intended for distribution, and almost 78 billion m3 for own use in economic activities, of which 625 million m3 or slightly less than 1% for cooling.

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Data on water accounts for the 2015–2022 period

For the 2015–2022 period, SURS compiled data on water accounts, which reflect the integral role that water plays in human life, economic activity and environmental integrity, as they present physical water flows between the environment and economic activities, within economic activities and the availability of water sources. Data for this period are published in the SiStat Database for the first time.

Share of water used from surface sources higher 

In 2022, around 106 billion m3 of water was used from the available water sources from the environment, or 2% less than in 2015, when around 109 billion m3 of water was used. Most of this water was used from inland water sources. In terms of water source, the largest share was represented by surface sources (73% or around 1 percentage point more than in 2015), followed by the estimated share of water abstracted from the soil by plants (27% or 1 percentage point less than in 2015). The remaining available amount of water was abstracted from underground sources and from other water sources (each 0.1% or the same as in 2015).

Most water distributed from public water supply intended for households

From the public water supply 124 million m3 of water was allocated for distribution in 2022 (similar to the last few years). Of this, 86 million m3 of water was intended for households (69%), around 22 million m3 for other activities (18%), additional 13 million m3 for mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, and for sewerage, waste collection, treatment and disposal activities (around 11 %) and the rest of the water (2%) for agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting.

Most of abstracted water intended for own use in economic activities

Almost 78 billion m3 of water was allocated for own use in economic activities, which is comparable to 2017; of this, 625 million m3 of water was used for cooling. In 2022, 1% less water was allocated for own use than in 2015, and 12% less water for cooling.

Most water used in electricity supply

Of the water used from surface and underground sources (around 78 billion m3 in 2022), the majority (99.8%) was used to drive turbines in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply. Of this, 606 million m3 or slightly less than 1% was used for cooling in this economic activity. An additional 19 million m3 of water was used for cooling in mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction.

The balance of available water resources negative

The table on the availability of water sources shows the water balance, or the system of inland water sources, i.e. inflows, outflows and changes in water stocks due to economic activities (abstraction and return of water) and natural processes. The total amount of water returned to the water sources system (increase in stocks) in 2022 was slightly more than 34 billion m3, or 8% less than in 2015 (around 37 billion m3). The total amount of abstracted water (decrease in stocks) was larger than the amount of water returned, slightly more than 35 billion m3, so the change in water stocks was negative at around 1 billion m3 of water. Due to the smaller difference between return and abstraction of water, the change in water stocks in 2022 was smaller than in 2015, when the deficit of water stocks amounted to slightly more than 1 billion m3.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database
Water used for distribution by NACE activities, Slovenia, 2022
Water used for distribution by NACE activities, Slovenia, 2022
Water used by sources of water, Slovenia
billion m3
Total water use108.7129.6110.7123.6118.2133.8121.9106.0
From inland water sources108.6129.5110.5123.4118.0133.7121.8105.9
  surface water78.598.878.092.987.6103.192.977.6
  soil water1)29.930.532.430.330.330.428.728.1
From other water sources0.
  sea water0.
1) Data for 2015, 2016, 2021 and 2022 are estimated.
Availability of water resources, Slovenia
billion m3
Increase in water stocks37.346.344.843.646.845.841.334.4
  inflows from other territories13.115.012.915.814.716.014.010.1
Decrease in water stocks38.645.342.046.245.845.743.235.3
  evaporation and actual evapotranspiration13.512.913.214.014.315.414.013.4
  outflows to other territories25.132.228.532.
  outflows to the sea0.
Change in stocks1)-
1) Increase – decrease in water stocks.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
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Več: Avtorske pravice.