Population of Slovenia

Population of Slovenia.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Population Tabela v podatkovni bazi Prikaz na interaktivni karti

Average monthly gross earnings

Average monthly gross earnings are average monthly amounts paid out to persons in paid employment by legal persons for working full time, part time, overtime and non-refunded wage compensation from employer’s resources.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Earnings and Labour Cost Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Unemployment rate (LFS)

Unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force (unemployed and employed persons combined).

Zadnja novica Več s področja Labour Market Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Volume growth of GDP (compared to the same quarter of the previous year)

Real growth rate of GDP shows percentage change of GDP at constant prices between the current quarter of the year and the same quarter of the previous year.

Zadnja novica Več s področja GDP and National Accounts Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Inflation – annual inflation rate

Inflation is a general increase in prices, while the inflation rate shows the percentage increase in prices. In Slovenia inflation is measured with the consumer price index with which we measure changes in retail prices of goods and services from the point of view of the expenditure structure, which the resident population intends for final consumption at home and abroad.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Prices and Inflation Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Population of Slovenia

Population of Slovenia.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Population Tabela v podatkovni bazi Prikaz na interaktivni karti

Average monthly gross earnings

Average monthly gross earnings are average monthly amounts paid out to persons in paid employment by legal persons for working full time, part time, overtime and non-refunded wage compensation from employer’s resources.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Earnings and Labour Cost Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Unemployment rate (LFS)

Unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force (unemployed and employed persons combined).

Zadnja novica Več s področja Labour Market Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Volume growth of GDP (compared to the same quarter of the previous year)

Real growth rate of GDP shows percentage change of GDP at constant prices between the current quarter of the year and the same quarter of the previous year.

Zadnja novica Več s področja GDP and National Accounts Tabela v podatkovni bazi

Inflation – annual inflation rate

Inflation is a general increase in prices, while the inflation rate shows the percentage increase in prices. In Slovenia inflation is measured with the consumer price index with which we measure changes in retail prices of goods and services from the point of view of the expenditure structure, which the resident population intends for final consumption at home and abroad.

Zadnja novica Več s področja Prices and Inflation Tabela v podatkovni bazi
petek, 17 januar 2025
24 January, International Day of Education
In the school year 2023/24, 86% of children (1–5) attended kindergartens, 89% of young people (15–18) upper secondary schools and 48% of young people (19–24) tertiary education. Most teachers are women, but the share of male teachers gradually increases with higher levels of education.
četrtek, 16 januar 2025
Share of foreign citizens among persons in employment at its highest to date
There were just over 948,400 persons in employment or 0.1% more than in October. The largest growth was observed in human health and social care activities and in education, mostly among women.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
In 2022 slightly less water used from the environment than in 2015
In 2022, 124 million m3 of water was intended for distribution, and almost 78 billion m3 for own use in economic activities, of which 625 million m3 or slightly less than 1% for cooling.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
Fewer goods vehicles at road border crossings
In November, there were 2% fewer passengers at the airport than the year before. A tenth more goods were handled in the Port of Koper. There were 7% fewer goods vehicles at road border crossings.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
More goods carried in international transport
In the third quarter of 2024, road goods vehicles carried 25.2 million tonnes of goods, which is almost the same as in the same period of the previous year, and performed 1% fewer tonne-kilometres. International transport went up by 3% and domestic down by 2%. 
petek, 17 januar 2025
24 January, International Day of Education
In the school year 2023/24, 86% of children (1–5) attended kindergartens, 89% of young people (15–18) upper secondary schools and 48% of young people (19–24) tertiary education. Most teachers are women, but the share of male teachers gradually increases with higher levels of education.
četrtek, 16 januar 2025
New in the SiStat Database: High-growth enterprises in Slovenia in 2023
Detailed data on high-growth enterprises in 2023 are published in the SiStat Database.
četrtek, 16 januar 2025
Share of foreign citizens among persons in employment at its highest to date
There were just over 948,400 persons in employment or 0.1% more than in October. The largest growth was observed in human health and social care activities and in education, mostly among women.
četrtek, 16 januar 2025
Correction – the data on Public water supply, 2023 are published again
Due to some errors in statistical data on water supply to households, water abstraction by water source, key data for waters and water indicators, the data published with the release on 19 December 2024 are published again. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
četrtek, 16 januar 2025
Correction – the data on Overview of water statistics, 2023 are published again
Due to some errors in statistical data on water abstraction by water source and water supply to households, the data published with the release on 24 December 2024 are published again.We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
In 2022 slightly less water used from the environment than in 2015
In 2022, 124 million m3 of water was intended for distribution, and almost 78 billion m3 for own use in economic activities, of which 625 million m3 or slightly less than 1% for cooling.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
Fewer goods vehicles at road border crossings
In November, there were 2% fewer passengers at the airport than the year before. A tenth more goods were handled in the Port of Koper. There were 7% fewer goods vehicles at road border crossings.
sreda, 15 januar 2025
More goods carried in international transport
In the third quarter of 2024, road goods vehicles carried 25.2 million tonnes of goods, which is almost the same as in the same period of the previous year, and performed 1% fewer tonne-kilometres. International transport went up by 3% and domestic down by 2%. 
sreda, 15 januar 2025
The value of construction put in place up monthly, down annually
The value of construction put in place in November was 9.5% higher than in the previous month, but 4.2% lower than a year ago.
torek, 14 januar 2025
Producer prices of agricultural products higher year-on-year
At the annual level, producer prices of agricultural products increased on average by 4.2% and the value of purchased agricultural products by 10.8%.
torek, 14 januar 2025
At the annual level, the value of purchased roundwood slightly higher
The total value of roundwood purchased from private owners In November was higher at both the annual and monthly level.
torek, 14 januar 2025
Agricultural input prices at the monthly level slightly up
Agricultural input prices increased at the monthly level, while at the annual level they were still lower. Compared to October, the highest price increase was recorded in the group of energy and lubricants.