Births according to Moon phases

Myth or Truth: Are more Children born on a Full Moon?

At today's occurrence of the New Moon we present some data on whether the Moon and Moon phases perhaps influence the number of births. Considering all the Moon phases, on average the fewest children are born on days with the New Moon.

  • 1 August 2019 at 10:30
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Numerous people believe the Moon has a strong impact on life and also on births, whereas several foreign authors and those from Slovenia have stated that there is no significant correlation between the  Moon phases and the number of births. The likelihood of being born on a day with the Full Moon would thus be the same as being born on any other day. What do statistical data for Slovenia say about this phenomenon? In statistics, namely, we do not record the beginning of childbirth, but its result. Thus, the day and time each child is born are recorded.

In the last five years (2014–2018), 102,000 children were born in Slovenia; on average, 55.8 per day. One child more per day than the average (56.8) was born at the Full Moon, two children more (58) at the Third Quarter Moon, two children less at the New Moon (53.9) and one child less at the First Quarter Moon (54.8). All these are rather small statistical deviations from the daily average. On each day of the Lunar month, which lasts just over 29 days, on average between 2.9% and 3.5% of children were born. The differences were therefore small. The most children were born at the Third Quarter Moon (3.46%) and thus - among all the days of the Moon Phases - days with the Full Moon ranked the sixth most common day of birth.

According to the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health data, nowadays just over a quarter of the births are either induced or a Caesarean section is planned, but 60 years ago such births were fewer. This is why we analysed the available statistical data and present the findings.

In the 1954–1958 period, 38% of all children were born at home; by 1965 the share of such births  decreased to 10%, and by 1975 it stood at 1% and this applies nowadays as well. 60 years ago, in the 1954–1958 period, 154,000 children were born in Slovenia, on average 84.2 per day. Data on the date of birth for the stated period are available for slightly over 139,000 children (a daily average of 76.3), and this was taken into account in our analysis. On average just as many (76.1) were born at the New Moon. At the Full Moon on average 75.5 children were born, namely fewer than the average for any other day. On average the most children were born at Third Quarter Moon (78.2), while the fewest were born at the First Quarter Moon (73.7).

We noticed also that in the stated period and until the end of the 1960s, births were distributed rather evenly throughout the days of the week. In the 1954–1958 period, on each day of the week between 13.9% and 14.8% of children were born, most of them on a Sunday. After 1970, the first differences between the number of births at weekends and on work days occurred, and the differences became even larger after 1980. Among those born in the 2014–2018 period, the most children were born on a Friday (15.8%), and the fewest on a Sunday (11.3%) and a Saturday (12.1%).


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To sum up: according to the available statistical data, the Moon phases do not significantly affect the time of births and thus also not the number of births on each day. In the recent years, however, the day of the week is gaining greater influence on births, also due to the fact that most of the induced births or planned Caesarean sections occur during the week.

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When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.