Deaths, Slovenia, 2018
20,485 deaths in 2018, 0.1% fewer than in 2017
In 2018, 20,485 people died or 0.1% fewer than in 2017. The mean age for men was 74.1 years, while the mean age for women was 81.6 years. A boy born in 2018 can expect to live 78.32 years and a girl 83.98 years.
In 2018, 20,485 people died in Slovenia or 0.1% fewer than in 2017
In 2018, 20,485 people died in Slovenia: 10,113 men and 10,372 women. The crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) was 9.9. The fewest deaths per 1,000 population were recorded in the Osrednjeslovenska region (8.2) and the most in the Pomurska region (12.2).
Usually winter months are the period with the highest number of deaths. In 2018, 37.1% of persons died in winter months (January, February, March and December). The month with most deaths was March (it was the only month in which more than 2,000 people died). The day with most deaths was 27 February. On that day 82 persons died. Last year on average 56 persons died per day.
The mean age at death is rising; in 2018 it was 77.9 years. The mean age for men at death was 74.1 years and for women at death was 81.6 years (on average women were 7.5 years older than men at death).
33 infants died (22 boys and 11 girls) in 2018, which is 1.7 per 1,000 live births. Slovenia is the EU-28 Member State with the lowest infant mortality rate.
The share of premature mortality is in decline
The share of premature mortality tells how many persons die before 65 years of age. In 2018, the share of premature mortality was 16.5%. Among men the was higher than among women (22.7% for men and 10.5% for women). The share of premature mortality is declining. Ten years ago (in 2008), the share of premature mortality of men was 32.5% and of women 13.1%.
Women live longer than men
A boy born in 2018 can expect to live 78.32 years and a girl 83.98; the difference is thus 5.7 years. In the past three decades male life expectancy increased by 9.5 years and female life expectancy by 7.3 years.
Natural decrease in 2018
As in 2017, natural decrease was recorded in 2018. 20,485 persons died and 19,585 were born. Natural decrease was −900.
Data on natural increase by municipalities and regions are published in the SiStat database.
Deaths, Slovenia
Source: SURS, NIJZ |
Natural increase, Slovenia
Source: SURS, NIJZ |