Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, November 2024
Average earnings higher than earnings for October
Compared to earnings for October, average gross earnings for November 2024 were higher in nominal terms by 5.5% and in real terms by 4.8%. Such an increase was mainly due to higher extra payments, such as 13th month payments and Christmas bonuses.
Gross: EUR 2,518.74, net: EUR 1,610.87
Average gross earnings for November 2024 amounted to EUR 2,518.74. Compared to earnings for October, they were higher in nominal terms by 5.5% and in real terms by 4.8%. Average net earnings amounted to EUR 1,610.87. Compared to earnings for October, they were higher in nominal terms by 6.4% and in real terms by 5.7%. The increase in average earnings was mainly due to higher extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses); the share of these payments in the total mass of gross earnings paid was 5.7% for the earnings for November, but only 0.4% for the earnings for October.
Average gross earnings were also higher than earnings for November 2023, in nominal terms by 6.2% and in real terms by 4.4%.
Growth of earnings higher in the private sector than in the public sector
Compared to earnings for October, average gross earnings increased in both sectors; in the private sector by 7.2% and in the public sector by 2.1%. In the institutional sector general government, which is a part of the public sector, average gross earnings were slightly lower than earnings for October (by 0.4%).
The highest in financial and insurance activities
At the level of sections of activities, average gross earnings were the highest in financial and insurance activities (EUR 3,883.57). In this section of activity, average earnings increased the most compared to earnings for October (by 15.5%), namely also mostly due to higher extra payments.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Average gross earnings for November 2024 amounted to EUR 2,518.74. Compared to earnings for October, they were higher in nominal terms by 5.5% and in real terms by 4.8%. Average net earnings amounted to EUR 1,610.87. Compared to earnings for October, they were higher in nominal terms by 6.4% and in real terms by 5.7%. The increase in average earnings was mainly due to higher extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses); the share of these payments in the total mass of gross earnings paid was 5.7% for the earnings for November, but only 0.4% for the earnings for October.
Average gross earnings were also higher than earnings for November 2023, in nominal terms by 6.2% and in real terms by 4.4%.
Growth of earnings higher in the private sector than in the public sector
Compared to earnings for October, average gross earnings increased in both sectors; in the private sector by 7.2% and in the public sector by 2.1%. In the institutional sector general government, which is a part of the public sector, average gross earnings were slightly lower than earnings for October (by 0.4%).
The highest in financial and insurance activities
At the level of sections of activities, average gross earnings were the highest in financial and insurance activities (EUR 3,883.57). In this section of activity, average earnings increased the most compared to earnings for October (by 15.5%), namely also mostly due to higher extra payments.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.