Correction – Overview of water statistics, 2023

Correction – the data on Overview of water statistics, 2023 are published again

Due to some errors in statistical data on water abstraction by water source and water supply to households, the data published with the release on 24 December 2024 are published again.We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  • 16 January 2025 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
More water abstracted from surface waters

In total, 948 million m3 of water was abstracted in Slovenia in 2023, which is 14.5% more than in the previous year. 78.9% of water was abstracted from surface waters, which is 749 million m3. Business entities registered in industrial activities (sections B, C, D and E by NACE Rev. 2) abstracted a large majority of it: 740 million m3. Four million m3 of water was abstracted from surface waters for the public water supply system and slightly more than 4 million m3 for irrigation.

Most water abstracted from groundwater sources for public water supply 
21.1% of abstracted water (199 million m3) was taken from groundwater sources. Most of it (183 million m3) was abstracted for the public water supply system, while 20 million m3 of groundwater was abstracted by industrial enterprises and less than half a million was intended for irrigation.

 More wastewater discharged into the environment

1,005 million m3 of wastewater was discharged into the environment, which is 18.5% more than a year earlier. Of this, 741 million m3 of wastewater was only heat-polluted, 204 million m3 was treated before discharge and 60 million m3 was untreated.

The majority of wastewater (74.2%) was discharged into surface waters, 25.5% into the public sewage system, and 0.3% into soil.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Abstracted water by water source, Slovenia
Abstracted water by water source, Slovenia
Abstracted water, Slovenia
20222023 2023
mio. m3 change in %
   from ground water195.0199.02.0
   from surface water633.0749.018.3
Wastewater includes not only the amount of water that was discharged after use back into the environment, but also runoff rainwater, which flows back to the environment through the sewage system or is captured and discharged directly into rivers, streams or soil.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.