Main aggregates of the general government sector, 3rd quarter 2024

General government generated a deficit for the nineteenth consecutive quarter

The deficit of the general government amounted to EUR 89 million or 0.5% of GDP, and consolidated general government gross debt to EUR 44,245 million or 66.9% of GDP.

  • 30 December 2024 at 10:30
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  • no status
Total revenue grew more than total expenditure

In the third quarter of 2024, general government generated a deficit of EUR 89 million or 0.5% of GDP. The deficit was generated for the nineteenth consecutive quarter.

Despite the deficit, the growth of total revenue was 1.9 percentage point higher than the growth of total expenditure. In the first three quarters of 2024, general government generated a deficit of EUR 686 million. In the same period of 2023, the deficit amounted to EUR 1,158 million.

Revenue growth affected the most by social contributions

Total general government revenue grew for the fifteenth consecutive quarter. It amounted to EUR 7,642 million. Compared to the same quarter of 2023, it increased by EUR 543 million or 7.7%. In the first three quarters of 2024, total general government revenue was EUR 1,758 million or 8.6% higher than in the first nine months of 2023.

In nominal terms, total revenue was increased the most by social contributions, which is also in this quarter the result of the implementation of compulsory health contribution. Compared to the third quarter of 2023, social contributions went up by EUR 352 million or 14.0%. Tax revenue increased by EUR 185 million or 5.8%. Of this, revenue from taxes on production and imports increased by EUR 114 million or 5.3%. Property income increased by EUR 90 million or 38.5%, which is the result of higher dividend revenue received by the general government sector.

Revenue from interest grew for the eleventh consecutive quarter, this time by EUR 9 million or 8.7%.

Total expenditure pushed up by social transfers in cash and in kind

Total general government expenditure amounted to EUR 7,731 million, which was EUR 420 million or 5.7% more than in the same quarter of 2023. In the first three quarters of 2024, total general government expenditure increased by EUR 1,286 million or 6.0% compared to the same period of 2023.

In nominal terms, social transfers in cash and in kind increased the most. They were EUR 406 million or 15.3% higher than in the same quarter of 2023. Compensation of employees was higher by EUR 108 million or 6.0%.

Gross fixed capital formation fell by EUR 83 million or 9.7%. Interest expenditure was higher by EUR 36 million or 17.9%.

Consolidated general government gross debt lower

At the end of the third quarter of 2024, consolidated general government gross debt amounted to EUR 44,245 million or 66.9% of GDP. Compared to the end of the previous quarter, it decreased by EUR 1,223 million. Debt in long-term securities decreased the most.

General government debt at the central level was estimated at EUR 43,372 million or 65.6% of GDP, and at the local level at EUR 1,091 million or 1.6% of GDP.

Social security funds did not record any debt at the end of the observed quarter. 

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Revenue and expenditure growth1) of general government sector, Slovenia
Revenue and expenditure growth<sup>1)</sup> of general government sector, Slovenia
1) Changes on the same quarter of the previous year.
Main aggregates of quarterly non-financial accounts for general government sector, Slovenia
mio. EUR
S.13 General government
  Total revenue7,0997,6387,0187,5447,642
  Total expenditure7,3128,1197,2227,9377,731
  of which: interest expenditure199216141299235
Net lending (+), net borrowing (-)-213-481-204-393-89
Consolidated gross debt1)44,21243,73945,47245,46844,245
  S.1311 Central government43,40042,83944,59444,59143,372
  S.1313 Local government1,0291,1191,1121,0951,091
  S.1314 Social security funds00000
  Intra subsector consolidation (-)-217-220-234-218-218
1) Some totals and calculations do not add up due to rounding.
Main aggregates of quarterly non-financial accounts for general government sector, Slovenia
% of GDP
S.13 General government
  Total revenue43.546.144.744.944.8
  Total expenditure44.849.
  of which: interest expenditure1.
Net lending (+), net borrowing (-)1)-1.3-2.9-1.3-2.3-0.5
Consolidated gross debt1)71.068.470.069.566.9
  S.1311 Central government69.767.068.768.265.6
  S.1313 Local government1.
  S.1314 Social security funds0.
  Intra subsector consolidation (-)-0.3-0.3-0.4-0.3-0.3
1) Some totals and calculations do not add up due to rounding.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.