Globalisation indicators, 2022 and 2023

International trade trends relatively stable until 2022, afterwards trade intensity variations were observed

In 2023, the values of exports and imports of goods and services were lower than a year before; however, Slovenia maintained high integration in international trade. The shares of foreign direct investment in Slovenia and Slovenia’s direct investment abroad in GDP were at a similar level.

  • 12 December 2024 at 10:30
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Key statistics for 2023:
  • The value of exports of goods and services amounted to 83.3% of GDP and the value of imports to 76.8% of GDP.
  • The value of foreign direct investment in Slovenia was 34.6% of GDP, while the value of Slovenia’s direct investment abroad was 14.7% of GDP.
  • Indicator of trade integration of goods amounted to 64.4% and of trade integration of services to 15.6%.
Key statistics for 2022:
  • Foreign controlled enterprises generated more than half of total value of exports (51.1%) and imports (51.9%).
  • Enterprises with high exports intensity (at least 75% income received from export) contributed 63.5% of total Slovenian exports.
  • 56.7% of total exports value was generated by enterprises with high exports intensity belonging to industrial sectors (sections B, C, D and E of the Standard Classification of Activities, 2008).

In 2023, lower exports and imports of goods and services

The values of exports and imports of goods and services decreased in 2023. Compared to 2022, the export value decreased by 0.5% and the import value by 6.4%. In terms of the relative size of exports and imports of goods and services in the GDP (exports 83.3%, imports 76.8%), Slovenia remained among top ten EU Member States. Slovenia retained the 8th place for exports. Higher relative shares of exports of goods and services were recorded in Luxembourg, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, Slovakia, the Netherlands, and Belgium. For imports, Slovenia ranked one place lower, 9th, with Estonia having a higher relative share of imports in addition to the before mentioned Member States.

In 2023, a rise in foreign direct investment in Slovenia and Slovenia’s direct investment abroad 

Compared to 2022, foreign direct investment in Slovenia increased by 9.1%; the value at the end of 2023 was EUR 22.1 billion. The share of foreign direct investment in Slovenia in GDP was 1 percentage point lower than in the previous year at 34.6%.

In comparison with the state at the end of 2022, Slovenia’s direct investment abroad increased by 9.7% to EUR 9.4 billion. The share of Slovenia’s direct investment abroad in GDP was 14.7% or 0.4 of a percentage point lower than in 2022 (15.1% GDP).

Slovenia’s international trade integration high in 2023

Slovenia's integration in international trade, measured by the indicator of trade integration of goods (average of exports and imports of goods values as a share of GDP), was with 64.4% in the very top among EU Member States. It advanced from 3rd to 2nd place, being right behind Slovakia. With the indicator of trade integration of services amounting to 15.6% (average of exports and imports of services values as a share of GDP), it remained in the middle among EU Member States, at the 15th place.

Enterprises that are part of international enterprise groups generated almost three quarters of trade in goods the year before last

According to the trade in goods by enterprise characteristics methodology, 26,880 enterprises were exporters in 2022. Among all exporters of goods, 9.8% were foreign controlled and generated more than half of Slovenian exports value (51.1%). Domestically controlled enterprises with units abroad, i.e. Slovenian international enterprises, which represented 1.6% of exporters also had a significant share of 21.5% of total exports. Exporters that are part of international enterprise groups generated 72.6% of total exports value. Similar shares were observed for imports.

Enterprises with highest exports intensity generated nearly two thirds of exports the year before last

Enterprises with at least 75% exports intensity generated the largest share of total exports in 2022. Such enterprises represented 8.5% of all exporters and generated 63.5% of total exports value. Of those enterprises, 25.2% of exporters were foreign controlled and generated 41.1% of total exports, while 3.6% were Slovenian international exporters and generated 12.8% of total exports value. The largest share of exports, 71.5%, comes from industrial sectors (B, C, D, and E), where enterprises with high exports intensity contributed 56.7% of the total exports value.
Exports and imports of goods and services and stocks of direct investment (DI), Slovenia
Exports and imports of goods and services and stocks of direct investment (DI), Slovenia
Data were taken over from the Bank of Slovenia
Structure of exports by type of enterprise ownership, Slovenia, 2022
Structure of exports by type of enterprise ownership, Slovenia, 2022
Structure of exports intensity, Slovenia, 2022
Structure of exports intensity, Slovenia, 2022
Data on direct investment is based on the statistical survey Direct Investment (conducted by Bank of Slovenia) and data on exporters and importers on the statistical survey Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics; additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations. For data on Enterprise groups additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations. The following sections of activities were included in the industrial sector according to the Standard Classification of Activities, 2008:
B – Mining and quarrying
C – Manufacturing
D – Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E – Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.