Environmental goods and services sector accounts, 2022
Total output of the environmental goods and services sector higher than a year earlier
The environmental goods and services sector employed 31,513 full-time equivalents and generated EUR 2.41 billion of total output in 2022.
The largest share of the output generated by production activities
Total output of the environmental goods and services sector amounted to EUR 2.41 billion, which is 12.8% more than a year earlier.
The largest share of total output was generated by production activities (EUR 1,121.3 million or 46.5%). The output of producers specialised for environmental services that are registered in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation amounted to EUR 354.6 million or 14.7% of total output. The share of the public sector, which contributed EUR 107.4 million to total output, was 4.4%.
EUR 1,240.6 million or 51.4% of total output was generated by production of goods and services for environmental protection and EUR 1,172.8 million or 48.6% by resource management (e.g. renewable energy production, etc.).
The largest share of environmental goods and services was produced in the environmental domain management of energy resources (44.4%), followed by production of these goods and services in the environmental domains waste management (15.4%), wastewater management (13.3%) and protection of ambient air and climate (12.5%).
Exports higher at the annual level
Exports in the environmental goods and services sector amounted to EUR 910.9 million, which is 14.2% more than in 2021; 87.3% of the value came from production activities and 12.5% from specialised environmental activities (mostly export of non-hazardous waste for additional processing or recycling).
Employment also up
In 2022, the output in this sector was generated by 31,513 full-time equivalents, which is 4.2% more than in the previous year.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Total output of the environmental goods and services sector amounted to EUR 2.41 billion, which is 12.8% more than a year earlier.
The largest share of total output was generated by production activities (EUR 1,121.3 million or 46.5%). The output of producers specialised for environmental services that are registered in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation amounted to EUR 354.6 million or 14.7% of total output. The share of the public sector, which contributed EUR 107.4 million to total output, was 4.4%.
EUR 1,240.6 million or 51.4% of total output was generated by production of goods and services for environmental protection and EUR 1,172.8 million or 48.6% by resource management (e.g. renewable energy production, etc.).
The largest share of environmental goods and services was produced in the environmental domain management of energy resources (44.4%), followed by production of these goods and services in the environmental domains waste management (15.4%), wastewater management (13.3%) and protection of ambient air and climate (12.5%).
Exports higher at the annual level
Exports in the environmental goods and services sector amounted to EUR 910.9 million, which is 14.2% more than in 2021; 87.3% of the value came from production activities and 12.5% from specialised environmental activities (mostly export of non-hazardous waste for additional processing or recycling).
Employment also up
In 2022, the output in this sector was generated by 31,513 full-time equivalents, which is 4.2% more than in the previous year.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Output of environmental goods and services sector by environmental domains, Slovenia, 2022
Environmental goods and services sector, Slovenia
1) Some totals do not add up due to rounding. 2) Full-time equivalents. |
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.