Globalisation indicators, Slovenia, 2019, 2020
High degree of Slovenia’s integration in international trade maintained also in 2020
In terms of the share of exports and imports of goods and services in the GDP, in 2020 Slovenia was among the top 8 or top 9 EU Member States. As regards the share of direct investment, Slovenia continues to position among the last six EU Member States.
International trade in goods is the most important aspect of Slovenian cross-border economic integration
In 2020, Slovenia's share of exports of goods and services amounted to 77.9% of gross domestic product (GDP). The share of imports of goods and services amounted to 68.7% of GDP. The values of exports and imports were 7.2% and 8.8% lower than in 2019. The pandemic resulted in lower international trade and GDP compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, in terms of relative size of exports and imports of goods and services in the GDP, Slovenia was among EU Member States 8th and 9th, respectively. The countries with higher shares of exports of goods and services were Luxembourg, Malta, Ireland, Slovakia, Belgium, Hungary and the Netherlands.
Slovenia's integration in international trade, measured by the indicator of trade integration of goods, was among the highest among EU Member States. Slovenia was 3rd. As regards the indicator of trade integration of services, Slovenia was approximately in the middle of the EU Member States.
In 2020, the stock of inward foreign direct investment in Slovenia and the stock of Slovenia's outward direct investment slightly higher
Foreign direct investment in Slovenia at the end of 2020 amounted to EUR 16.6 billion and compared to the end of 2019 increased by 2.4%. In 2020, foreign direct investment in Slovenia amounted to 35.3% of the GDP value, which is 1.9% more than in 2019.
Slovenia’s direct investment abroad at the end of 2020 amounted to EUR 7.0 billion and compared to the end of 2019 increased by 1.7%. Slovenia’s direct investment thus amounted to 14.8% of GDP, which is 0.7% more than in 2019.
Enterprises integrated into multinational enterprise groups generated 52% of total turnover generated by all enterprises in Slovenia but they employed 28% of all persons employed in Slovenia.22% of total turnover in Slovenia was generated by fewer than 1% of enterprises integrated into domestically controlled multinational groups, which employed 11% of all persons employed in Slovenia.
Enterprises integrated into domestically controlled multinational enterprise groups generated more turnover per employee than enterprises integrated into foreign controlled enterprise groups
In 2019, 4,491 enterprises in Slovenia were integrated into multinational enterprise groups. 70% of them were integrated into foreign controlled enterprise groups; they employed 20% more persons and generated 16% more turnover than enterprises in domestically controlled enterprise groups.