Web sales, Slovenia, 2020

In 2020, 24% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed generated turnover with web sales

In 2020, 24% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed were generating turnover with web sales. 32% or around EUR one billion (without VAT) of this turnover was generated with web sales to private customers. 

  • 4 November 2021 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
83% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed are present on the Internet with a website. 22% of enterprises provide the possibility of online ordering, reservation or booking on the website (21% of small, 25% of medium-sized and 39% of large enterprises).
Enterprises can generate turnover with the sale of products or services, receipt of orders or reservations via their own website or a website of the parent enterprise, via extranet and e-commerce marketplaces (i.e. websites used by several enterprises for trading products or services, e.g. platform for online reservations).  

For four out of ten enterprises web sales are not relevant for the business performance of their enterprise

Online purchasing has been on the rise in recent years, and the pandemic has further accelerated it. In the first quarter of 2021, 75% of 16–74-year-olds searched for information about goods or services over the Internet. 71% of individuals aged 16–74 years made at least one online purchase in the period of 12 months before interviewing (April 2020 – March 2021) (in 2020 63%) and 59% in the period of three months (January–March 2021) (in 2020 52%). 

During the pandemic and after the adoption of restrictive measures, online sales have become a key sales channel for some enterprises. In 2020, 7% of enterprises started or accelerated activities to establish online sales through their own website or e-commerce marketplaces: 6% of small enterprises, 10% of medium-sized enterprises and 12% of large enterprises. Regarding enterprise activities, 5% of enterprises in manufacturing activities and 8% of enterprises in service activities. For 40% of enterprises web sales were not relevant for the business performance of their enterprise: 40% of small enterprises, 39% of medium-sized enterprises and 34% of large enterprises.

Almost a quarter of enterprises were generating turnover with web sales 

In 2020, 24% of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed were generating turnover with web sales, receiving orders for products or services, reservations via websites. Among small enterprises 23%, among medium-sized enterprises 24% and among large enterprises 39%. 

17% of enterprises generated turnover with web sales via their own website or a website of the parent enterprise, via extranet (16% of small, 19% of medium-sized and 36% of large enterprises) and 9% of enterprises generated turnover with sales via e-marketplaces (9% of small, 8% of medium-sized and 8% of large enterprises). 

The value of turnover generated with web sales to private customers amounted to EUR one billion in 2020

Enterprises with 10 or more employees or self-employed generated 4.1% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales in Slovenia in 2020. Small enterprises generated 5.9%, medium-sized enterprises 5.4% and large enterprises 2.4% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales. In 2020, enterprises generated with web sales around EUR 3,140 million of their turnover (excluding VAT). 38% of the total turnover was generated by small, 36% by medium-sized and 26% by large enterprises.

Almost a third of the turnover generated with web sales (excluding VAT) was generated by enterprises in 2020 with web sales to private customers (32%), which represents around EUR one billion, and 68% with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities. 

Most (90%) of the turnover generated with web sales (excluding VAT) was generated with web sales via own website or a website of the parent enterprise, via extranet and 10% via e-marketplaces. Enterprises generated 47% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales in Slovenia, the same share with web sales to other EU Member States and 6% with web sales to the rest of the world.

Enterprises in the activity retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles generated around EUR 770 million of turnover with web sales to private customers

In 2020, half of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed received orders, reservations via websites in trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles activity (G 45–47 of NACE Rev. 2) (37% in 2019). These enterprises generated with web sales 7.5% of their turnover (excluding VAT) or around EUR 1,850 million. 55% of this turnover was generated with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities and 45% with web sales to private consumers.

In retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G 47 of NACE Rev. 2), 92% of enterprises with employees and self-employed have a website, 62% provide the possibility of online ordering, reservation or booking on the website. In 2020, 55% of enterprises in this activity generated turnover with web sales (44% in 2019): 53% via their own website or a website of the parent enterprise, via extranet (43% in 2019) and 6% via e-marketplaces (5% in 2019). These enterprises generated with web sales 7.8% of their turnover (excluding VAT) (3.1% in 2019) or around EUR 918 (EUR 449 million in 2019). 84% of this turnover was generated with web sales to final customers and 16% with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities. 

22% of enterprises in activity G 47 started or accelerated activities to establish online sales through their own website or e-commerce marketplaces in 2020. For 17% of enterprises in this activity web sales are not relevant for the business performance of their enterprise.

E-marketplaces are crucial for web sales in accommodation activity 

In 2020, 89% of enterprises with at least 10 employees and self-employed active in accommodation activity (I 55 of NACE Rev. 2) generated turnover with web sales, e.g. with web reservations: 70% via own website or a website of the parent enterprise and 76% via e-marketplace, e.g. booking.com. Enterprises in this activity generated around EUR 42 million or 12.5% of their turnover with web sales: 44% via own website and 56% via e-marketplaces. Most of this turnover (91%) was generated with web sales to private customers and 9% with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities. 58% of the turnover was generated with web sales to customers from Slovenia, 33% to customers from other EU Member States and 9% to customers from the rest of the world. 

In the activity food and beverage service activities (I 56 of NACE Rev. 2), 49% of enterprises with at least 10 employees and self-employed generated turnover with web sales in 2020: 26% via own website and 32% via e-marketplaces. Enterprises generated this way 4.0% of their turnover. 23% of enterprises started or accelerated activities to establish online sales through their own website or e-commerce marketplaces in 2020. For 26% of enterprises web sales were not relevant for the business performance of their enterprise.
Enterprises generating turnover with web sales, Slovenia, 2020
10 or more employees
and self-employed
10–49 employees
and self-employed
50–249 employees
and self-employed
250 or more employees
and self-employed
Web sales24232439
Web sales via own website17161936
Web sales via e-commerce marketplaces9988
Source: SURS
The published data are estimates derived from the survey on the sample that represents enterprises with at least 10 employees and self-employed persons. An enterprise can be comprised of one or more legal units. In 2021, enterprises in the activity 75 – Veterinary activities were also included in the survey. Therefore, not all data are comparable with the results from previous years, as this has led to a break in the time series.
The surveys is co-financed by the European Commission. However, the European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material published in this document.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.