Registered road motor vehicles and trailers, Slovenia, 2020
In 2020, the number of first registrations of road vehicles in Slovenia 23% lower than in 2019
At the end of 2020, about 1,617,000 road vehicles were registered in Slovenia, almost 113,000 of them for the first time. Government ordinances to curb the COVID-19 epidemic, adopted in 2020, have had a significant impact on the decreasing number of road vehicles registered for the first time.
In 2020 in Slovenia 1% more motor vehicles registered than in 2019; the number of trailing vehicles about the same
According to data from the Central Register of Vehicles and Traffic Documents, at the end of 2020 about 1,617,000 road vehicles were registered in Slovenia, which is 1% more than at the end of 2019. There were almost 1,565,000 motor vehicles or also 1% more than at the end of 2019, and over 52,000 trailing vehicles or about the same as at the end of 2019. There were almost 1,171,000 passenger cars registered, representing 75% of all road motor vehicles or about as many as at the end of 2019.
Enforcement of Government ordinances during 2020 to curb the COVID-19 epidemic had an important impact on the lower number of road vehicles registered for the first time
The decline in the number of first road vehicle registrations was influenced by two government ordinances. The Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Roadworthiness Tests and other Procedures Related to Motor Vehicle Registration and Tachograph Workshop Activities in the Republic of Slovenia affected the decline in the number of first registrations in March and April 2020. The Ordinance on Temporary Suspension of the Sale of Goods and Services to Consumers in the Republic Slovenia, which limited the operation of specialized stores for the sale of motor vehicles and bicycles, affected the lower number of road vehicles registered for the first time in March, April, November and December 2020.
Both the number of motor vehicles and trailing vehicles registered for the first time in Slovenia in 2020 23% lower than in 2019
In 2020, almost 113,000 road vehicles were registered in Slovenia for the first time. Compared to 2019, the number was 23% lower. The same is true for motor vehicles as well as for trailing vehicles, both registered for the first time. About 81,000 passenger cars were registered for the first time in Slovenia in 2020 or 24% fewer than in 2019.
In 2020 in Slovenia a quarter fewer new road vehicles registered for the first time than in 2019
In 2020, almost 77,000 or 68% of all first-time registered road vehicles were new, i.e. they had not been registered abroad before. The number of first-time registered new road vehicles in 2020 decreased by 25% compared to 2019. The number of first registrations of new passenger cars decreased by 27%.
At the end of 2020 in Slovenia 3,670 passenger cars on electric drive registered in the database of registered vehicles
At the end of 2020, a half of registered passenger cars were using diesel and 48% petrol. Compared to 2019, the number of diesel cars increased by 2%, while the number of petrol cars decreased by 2%. The number of passenger cars on hybrid drive increased by 38% to about 9,400, which is 0.8% of all registered passenger cars. The number of passenger cars on electric drive increased by 84% to 3,670, which is 0.3% of all registered passenger cars.
The number of first registrations of new electric passenger cars increased by 147% in one year, and of hybrid cars by 23%. Out of all first registered new passenger cars in Slovenia in 2020, 3% were new electric passenger cars registered for the first time and 6% were hybrid ones.
Goriška statistical region stands out for the highest motorization rate and also for its oldest vehicle fleet
In 2020, passenger cars registered in Slovenia were on average 10.4 years old. They were on average the oldest in the Goriška statistical region (12 years) and the least old in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (9.8 years).
In 2020, 554 passenger cars per 1,000 population were registered in Slovenia. Most passenger cars per 1,000 population were registered in the Goriška statistical region (620) and the fewest in the Zasavska statistical region (528).
Registered road vehicles and first registrations of (new) road vehicles, Slovenia
Sources: SURS, MZI |
The motorization rate indicator for 2020 is calculated on the basis of the population as of 1 October 2020 and is therefore provisional. The final indicator will be calculated on the population as of 1 January 2021 and published on 29 October 2021.