Digital Entrepreneurship, detailed data, Slovenia, 2020

Digitisation of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed: almost a third with very low digital intensity index

In 2020, 45% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed have a low, 32% very low, 22% high and 1% very high digital intensity index.

  • 3 December 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
The importance of digitization, i.e. connecting individual business processes in the enterprises – from paperless business, automation of processes to connecting systems and devices –, was emphasised during the epidemic as enterprises had to reshape their business, e.g. enable work from home or online sales of their products and services. Digitization is key to the competitiveness of Slovenian economy.

The rate of digitization of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed is monitored by the digital intensity index, which consists of 12 indicators used to monitor the use of ICT in enterprises in an individual year. According to the number of elements they meet, enterprises are classified into four groups: enterprises with a very low, low, high and very high digital intensity index. 

Almost a third of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed with a very low digital index

In 2020, most enterprises with at least 10 persons employed have a low digital intensity index (45%); 32% of enterprises have a very low, 22% a high and 1% a very high digital intensity index.

As regards the enterprise size (number of persons employed), most of the small and medium-sized enterprises have a low digital intensity index (46% and 41%, respectively), while among large enterprises the majority have a high digital intensity index (56%).

Indicators for monitoring the digital intensity index in 2020:

More than half of persons employed have access to the Internet for business purposes 

In 46% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed more than half of persons employed have access to the Internet for business purposes. As regards the enterprise size, 46% of small and medium-sized enterprises and 52% of large enterprises. 

Enterprise employs ICT specialists

17% of enterprises employ ICT specialists: 10% of small, 38% of medium-sized and 84% of large enterprises.

In 2019, in 79% of enterprises information-communication functions were performed by external suppliers (e.g. maintaining ICT infrastructure, developing or providing support for software or web solutions, ICT security and data protection) and in 33% of enterprises by own employees (incl. those employed in parent or affiliate enterprises). 

Maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed Internet connection is at least 30 Mbit/s

73% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed have maximum contracted downloaded speed of the fastest fixed Internet connection at least 30 Mbit/s. 

Enterprise provides more than 20% of the persons employed with a portable device that allows a mobile connection to the Internet for business purposes

47% of enterprises provided more than a fifth of their persons employed with a portable device that allows a mobile connection to the Internet. 

These portable devices were provided to 27% of persons employed.

Enterprise has a website

81% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed are present on the Internet with either their own website or on the website of the mother enterprise: 78% of small, 93% of medium-sized and 99% of large enterprises. 

Enterprise website provides at least one of the advanced functionalities 

79% of enterprises provide one of the following functionalities on the website: provide description of goods or services, price lists on the website (79%), make it possible for visitors to customise or design online goods or services (6%), enable tracking the status of orders placed on the website (9%), and provide personalised content on the website for regular or recurrent visitors (5%). 

Enterprise uses 3D printing 

In 2019, 5% of enterprises used 3D printing: 3% of enterprises used their own 3D printers and 3% used 3D printing services provided by other enterprises. 

Enterprise purchases medium or high cloud computing services

26% of enterprises purchase medium or high cloud computing services, i.e. at least one of the following services: hosting the enterprise database (14%), finance or accounting software applications (15%), customer relationship management (CRM) (8%) and computing power to run enterprise's own software (10%).

Enterprise was sending e-invoices in standard structure suitable for automated processing (e-invoices) in the previous year 

In 2019, 58% of enterprises were sending invoices in standard structure suitable for automated processing (e-invoices) in the previous year. 

Of all sent invoices (to private customers, other enterprises or public authorities), 34% of enterprises sent less than 10% as e-invoices, 10% at least 10% but less than 25%, 7% at least 25% but less than 50%, 4% at least 50% but less than 75% and 3% at least 75%.

Enterprise uses industrial or service robots 

8% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed use robots (industrial or service). 8% use industrial robots – automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes (e.g. robots for welding, laser cutting, spray painting, etc.) – and 1% service robots – machines that have a degree of autonomy and are able to operate in complex and dynamic environment that may require interaction with persons, objects or other devices. 

Robots are used by 15% of enterprises in manufacturing activities (15% industrial and 1% service robots) and by 2% of enterprises in service activities (1% industrial and 1% service robots).

Enterprise generated at least 1% of its turnover in the previous year via computer networks – with orders via websites or via electronic data interchange (EDI)

In 2019, 18% of enterprises generated at least 1% of their turnover with orders via computer networks (website or EDI-type messages). 

Enterprises generated via computer networks 17.8% of their turnover (excluding VAT) in 2019; 4.6% via websites and 13.2% via EDI-type messages. 

Enterprise analysed big data by employees in the enterprise or by other enterprises or organisations in the previous year

7% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed analysed big data in 2019 (5% of small, 12% of medium-sized and 32% of large enterprises). 5% of enterprises analysed big data themselves and for 2% of enterprises big data were analysed by other enterprises or organisations. 

Data for 2020 published in the SiStat Database
The published data are estimates derived from the survey on the usage of information-communication technologies and e-commerce on the sample representing enterprises with at least 10 persons employed. The content of the survey changes between the years. This limits the comparability of digital index data over the years. The methodology for calculating the index also does not take into account the fact that enterprises operate in different activities and therefore have different needs for the usage of the information-communication technologies.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.