Online purchases, Slovenia, 2020

Online purchasing is growing: 52% of 16–74-year-olds made at least one online purchase in the last 3 months

52% of individuals aged 16–74 years purchased online in the last 3 months (before interviewing). In this period, 50% of them purchased or ordered physical products. 51% of e-buyers made 1–2 online purchases and most of them (29%) made online purchases in the value from EUR 100 to EUR 299. 

  • 6 November 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
In the first quarter of 2020, 87% of individuals aged 16–74 years regularly used the Internet (83% in 2019). 77% of 16–74-years-olds searched for information about goods or services over the Internet (70% in 2019). Due to social distancing and temporal restrictions on the provision of certain services during the pandemic, the implementation of many activities has moved online. The possibility of online sale enables individuals to shop online from home and enterprises to sell their products and services without personal contact. 81% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed have a website. In 2019, 21% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed generated turnover with web sales.  

In the last 12 months almost two thirds of 16–74-year-olds purchased online

63% of individuals aged 16–74 purchased online (bought or ordered a product or a service) in the last 12 months (56% in 2019). As in the previous year, the share of e-buyers increased in all age groups. There were 88% of e-buyers among 25–34-year-olds (78% in 2019), followed by 16–24-year-olds (84%; 77% in 2019), 35–44-year-olds (80%; 71% in 2019), 45–54-year-olds (64%; 56% in 2019), 55–64-year-olds (40%; 35% in 2019) and 65–74-year-olds (22%; 18% in 2019).

More than half of 16–74-year-olds purchased online in the last 3 months

52% of individuals aged 16–74 years purchased online (bought or ordered a product or a service) in the last 3 months (before interviewing) (around 802,000 individuals). During this period, most of the e-buyers were among 25–34-year-olds (75%) and the least among 65–74-year-olds (16%). 

More than half of e-buyers in the last 3 months made 1–2 online purchases 

51% of e-buyers made in the last 3 months 1–2 online purchases. 31% made 3–5 online purchases, 10% 6–10 online purchases and 8% more than 10 online purchases. 

What was the value of online purchases in the last 3 months?

29% of e-buyers made in this period online purchases in the value from EUR 100 to EUR 299, 25% of less than EUR 50, 9% from EUR 300 to EUR 499, 6% of EUR 1,000 or more, 5% from EUR 500 to EUR 699 and 2% from EUR 700 to EUR 999. 2% of e-buyers were unable to estimate the value of online purchases they made in the last 3 months.

A quarter of 16–74-year-olds purchased clothes, shoes online 

Half of 16–74-year-olds purchased or ordered online in the last 3 months physical products. 25% of 16–74-year-olds purchased in this period clothes (including sport clothing), shoes or accessories, (e.g. bags, jewellery). 13% purchased consumer electronics (e.g. TV-sets, stereos, cameras) or household appliances (e.g. washing machines), 11% medicine or dietary supplements (e.g. vitamins), 10% cosmetics, beauty or wellness products, 9% sports goods (excluding sport clothing) and the same percentage desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones or accessories and furniture, home accessories (e.g. carpets or curtains) or gardening products (e.g. tools, plants). 8% purchased online children’s toys or childcare items (e.g. nappies, bottles, baby strollers) and the same percentages printed books, magazines or newspapers. 6% ordered via the Internet deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering services and 3% food or beverages from stores. 

E-buyers most often ordered or purchased physical products from online sellers from Slovenia 

87% of e-buyers that ordered or purchased in the last 3 months physical products online purchased them from online sellers from Slovenia. 43% purchased them from online sellers from other EU Member States and 28% from online sellers from the rest of the world. For 2% of e-buyers of physical products the country of origin of the online seller was unknown. 

28% of e-buyers of physical products ordered or bought them from private individuals, e.g. via a websites such as Bolha,, eBay, Facebook Marketplace.

A fifth of 16–74-year-olds purchased online digital products or services

20% of 16–74-year-olds purchased online in the last 3 months digital products or services. 8% subscribed to film or services as a streaming service or downloads (e.g. Netflix, HBO GO), 7% purchased computer or other software as downloads including upgrade, 6% purchased games (for smartphones, tablets, computers or consoles) as downloads or they played them online. 4% purchased e-books, online-magazines or online-newspapers and the same percentage music as downloads or as a streaming service (e.g.  iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music). 

When buying services online, accommodation services predominated

19% of 16–74-year-olds ordered or purchased online in the last 3 months services. 15% organised accommodation services over the Internet: 13% in a hotel, hostel (e.g. via web portal or website) or travel agency and 4% from private individuals (e.g. room, apartment, house, cottage via web platform Airbnb). 11% purchased online tickets for cultural or other events (e.g. cinema, concerts, fairs), 7% subscribed or extended subscription for Internet access or mobile phone services. 8% organized transport services: 7% plane tickets, tickets for bus or train, hired a ride (e.g. via GoOpti), taxi, car and 2% organised transport with a car from private individuals as co-driver (e.g. via, BlaBlacar).
The survey was partly funded in the framework of the technical support activities (studies, evaluations and other bases, analysis, strategic programming documents) under the Operational Program for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in 2014–2020 for the goal of investments in growth and jobs, which is co-funded by the European Union Cohesion Fund and the Republic of Slovenia.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.