Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, detailed data, Slovenia, 2019

Slovenia with record numbers of tourist arrivals and overnight stays in 2019

More than 6.2 million tourist arrivals (5% more than in 2018) and more than 15.7 million overnight stays (0.5% more than in 2018) were recorded in Slovenia in 2019. 

  • 5 August 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data

More domestic and foreign tourist arrivals

In 2019, the highest numbers of tourist arrivals ever were recorded in tourist accommodation establishments; domestic tourists generated more than 1.5 million arrivals (1% more than in 2018) and foreign tourists more than 4.7 million arrivals (6% more than in 2018).

While foreign tourists generated more than 11.3 million overnight stays (2% more than in 2018), domestic tourists generated 4.4 million overnight stays (2% fewer than in 2018).

72% of all tourist overnight stays generated by foreign tourists

The share of foreign overnight stays represented over 70% of all overnight stays for the second year in a row: in 2018 foreign tourists generated 71% of all overnight stays and in 2019 72%.

A quarter of all foreign overnight stays generated by tourists from Germany and Italy

Key markets, from which the most overnight stays of foreign tourists in Slovenia were recorded in 2019, were Germany (13% or 1.5 million overnight stays), Italy (11%), Austria (9%), the Netherlands (5%) and Croatia (almost 5%).

These were followed by tourists from Czechia, who generated almost 512,000 overnight stays (4.5% of all foreign tourist overnight stays).

Compared to 2018, the number of overnight stays increased the most for tourists from Czechia (by 19%) and Germany (by 12%). It also increased for tourist from Croatia (by 2%), but it stayed approximately the same for tourists from Austria. The number dropped for tourists from the Netherlands (by almost 5%) and Italy (by 4%).

The highest number of overnight stays by tourists from non-European countries generated by tourists from the United States

Tourists from the United States were the ones who generated the most overnight stays from non-European countries in 2019. They generated 3% of all foreign tourists overnight stays (3% more than in 2018). The United States was followed by tourists from other Asian countries, Israel, China and the Republic of Korea. 

Mountain resorts and municipality Ljubljana recorded more tourist overnight stays than in 2018

In 2019, the highest number of overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts, more than 4.6 million (29% of all overnight stays) or 3% more than in 2018, followed by health (spa) resorts, where almost 3.5 million overnight stays were recorded (22% of all overnight stays) or 1% fewer than in 2018. Seaside resorts recorded 19% of all overnight stays (approximately the same as in 2018) and municipality Ljubljana 14% of all overnight stays (2% more than in 2018).

While domestic tourists generated the most overnight stays in health (spa) resorts (39% of domestic overnight stays), foreign tourists generated the most overnight stays in mountain resorts (33% of foreign overnight stays).

46% of all tourist overnight stays generated in hotels

7.3 million overnight stays were generated in hotels (46% of all overnight stays in 2019 or 2% fewer than in 2018).

Compared to 2018, the highest overnight stays growth in 2019 was recorded in private rooms, apartments and dwellings (9% more overnight stays than in 2018) and in camping sites (5% more).

A quarter of overnight stays recorded in only two municipalities

In 2019, (domestic and foreign) tourists generated the most overnight stays in municipalities Ljubljana (14%) and Piran (12%).

These were followed by municipalities Bled (7%), Kranjska Gora (6%), Bohinj (5%), Brežice (4%), Moravske Toplice (4%) and Izola (3%), each with more than 500,000 overnight stays.

While domestic tourists generated most of their overnight stays in municipalities Piran (13%), Izola (7%) and Brežice (6%), foreign tourists generated most of their overnight stays in municipalities Ljubljana (19%), Piran (11%) and Bled (10%).

More than 168,000 permanent bedplaces in accommodation establishments available to tourists in 2019

In 2019, 34% of all permanent bedplaces were available in hotels and similar accommodation establishments, 17% in camping sites and 49% in other accommodation establishments.

Tourists could choose among almost 65,000 indivisible units (rooms, apartments ...)  in accommodation establishments: 41% were available in hotels and similar accommodation establishments, 18% in camping sites and 41% in other accommodation establishments.

Most permanent bedplaces available to tourists in mountain resorts

In 2019, more than 18,000 indivisible units (28% of all indivisible units) and slightly more than 58,000 permanent bedplaces (35% of all permanent bedplaces) were available to tourists in mountain resorts. These were followed by seaside resorts (20% of all indivisible units and 18% of all permanent bedplaces).

More data in the SiStat Database
More detailed final monthly and annual data for 2019 on tourist arrivals and overnight stays are published in the SiStat Database.

Foreign overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, 2019
Foreign overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, 2019
Source: SURS
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, Slovenia, 2019
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
  of foreign
  from Germany584,831115.61,522,057111.7
  from Italy597,26199.71,278,45495.8
  from Austria396,464103.91,011,682100.1
  from the Netherlands186,700100.8583,27495.2
  from Croatia234,980107.3538,140102.1
Source: SURS
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, 2019
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
Types of tourist municipalities
  Health (spa) resorts1,010,146100.13,445,01998.8
  Mountain resorts1,877,798105.94,636,031103.3
  Seaside resorts955,789102.83,016,067100.2
  Ljubljana, the capital1,127,904110.32,227,669102.2
  Urban municipalities519,990102.51,043,89494.7
  Other municipalities737,946106.81,406,65198.6
Tourist accomm. establishments
  Private accommodations - rented rooms, dwellings1,174,465113.83,271,899109.2
  Camping sites713,912110.12,037,068105.3
  Apartment settlements137,31972.4482,67377.0
  Youth hostels239,04898.4472,99697.6
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.