Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, Slovenia, July 2020

More than 2 million tourist overnight stays in Slovenia in July 2020

In July 2020 tourist accommodation establishments recorded a rapid growth in tourist overnight stays compared to previous months of 2020; while domestic tourists generated almost 1.4 million overnight stays, foreign tourists generated slightly over 670,000. 

  • 25 August 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
More than a million tourist overnight stays for the first time in 2020 

In July 2020 domestic tourists generated more than 403,000 arrivals (176% more than in July 2019) and almost 1.4 million overnight stays (68% of all tourist overnight stays or 155% more than in July 2019). Foreign tourist generated slightly more than 249,000 arrivals (67% fewer than in July 2019) and just over 670,000 overnight stays (66% fewer than in July 2019).

One third of foreign overnight stays generated by tourists from Germany

The most overnight stays among foreign tourists in July 2020 were generated by tourists from Germany (33% or almost 223,000), the Netherlands and Austria (9%), Czechia (8%) and Hungary (7%). 

The most domestic overnight stays again in seaside resorts
In July 2020 domestic tourists generated almost 444,000 overnight stays in seaside resorts (32% of all domestic overnight stays). The highest number of tourist overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts (35% or just over 729,000), followed by seaside resorts (29%) and health (spa) resorts (20%). 

While domestic tourists generated the most overnight stays in municipalities Piran (almost 232,000 overnight stays or 163 % more than in July 2019), Izola (60% more than in July 2019), Kranjska Gora (223% more), Bohinj (245 % more) and Brežice (102 % more), foreign tourists generated the most overnight stays in Piran (more than 98,000 overnight stays), Bled, Bovec, Ljubljana and Bohinj. 

Tourist from Germany generated the most overnight stays in municipality Bovec (more than 36,000 overnight stays).

30% of all tourist overnight stays generated in hotels

In July 2020, 620,000 tourist overnight stays were recorded in hotels (30% of all tourist overnight stays), followed by private rooms, apartments and dwellings (27%), with camping sites coming third (22%).

48% fewer tourist overnight stays until the end of July 2020

From the beginning of January until the end of July 2020 tourists generated almost 1,6 million arrivals (54% fewer than in the same period in 2019) and almost 4.6 million overnight stays (48% fewer than in the same period in 2019).
While in this period domestic tourists in 2020 generated 5% fewer arrivals and 2 % more overnight stays than in 2019, foreign tourists generated 71% fewer arrivals and 68% fewer overnight stays.

More data in the SiStat Database 
More detailed provisional monthly data on on tourist arrivals and overnight stays
are published in the SiStat Database.

In 2020 a table Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
was added in the SiStat Database.

Together with this release also the final monthly data for June 2020 are published in the SiStat Database.

Tourism flow, Slovenia − provisional data
Tourism flow, Slovenia − provisional data
Source: SURS
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, July 2020 – provisional data
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
VII 2020I–VII 2020VII 2020
VII 2019
I–VII 2020
I–VII 2019
VII 2020I–VII 2020VII 2020
VII 2019
I–VII 2020
I–VII 2019
  of foreign
  from Germany79,073125,51475.242.8222,886341,92078.444.0
  from the Netherlands19,42324,64331.423.361,66275,98131.024.4
  from Austria22,84885,95961.239.361,609215,31960.438.3
  from Czechia21,37635,23538.732.656,50397,46935.733.1
  from Hungary16,81240,41649.536.949,429116,69449.440.7
Source: SURS
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of turist municipalities and by tourist accommodation establishments, July 2020 – provisional data
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
VII 2020I–VII 2020VII 2020
VII 2019
I–VII 2020
I–VII 2019
VII 2020I–VII 2020VII 2020
VII 2019
I–VII 2020
I–VII 2019
Types of tourist municipalities
  Health (spa) resorts110,395343,021117.660.1416,3221,164,786108.359.7
  Mountain resorts253,576502,98874.548.2729,3111,450,17078.255.1
  Seaside resorts144,372282,387101.252.1591,931979,006103.458.1
  Ljubljana, the capital35,437161,37323.826.565,175330,11221.727.3
  Urban municipalities28,702104,12045.835.958,652248,73048.541.7
  Other municipalities80,526179,41372.144.6207,803412,11790.554.2
Tourist accomm. establishments
  Private accommodations - rented rooms, dwellings159,975332,99176.750.7564,0951,080,74987.659.0
  Camping sites138,405213,82580.156.0459,405659,85784.660.7
  Apartment settlements18,95855,026126.467.577,819199,313109.869.7
  Tourist farms with accommodation23,24639,254111.765.766,697105,303126.176.8
Source: SURS
Final data on tourist arrivals and overnight stays for July 2020 will be published on 25 September 2020 in the SiStat Database. 

Data are not seasonally adjusted.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.