Energy statistics, Slovenia, 2018

In 2018, final energy consumption in Slovenia was 211,000 TJ

Final energy consumption in Slovenia slightly increased in 2018 (by 0.6%) in comparison with the previous year. 21% of energy was consumed in households.

  • 10 October 2019 at 10:30
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  • final data
  • Tomaž Božič, Maja Kramžer, Teja Rutar, Mojca Suvorov, Jože Zalar
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  • Data inquiry

Just over half of the energy demand was met with domestic energy resources

In 2018, domestic energy production in Slovenia was 148,000 TJ. Nuclear energy accounted for the largest share with 42%, followed by renewable energy sources (including hydro energy) with 32% and coal with 25%. Less than 0.5% of energy was produced from other sources. With domestic energy resources, Slovenia met 52% of its domestic energy demand, while the remaining amount was imported.

Petroleum products prevailed in the energy supply

Considering energy import and export, 288,000 TJ were available for energy supply in 2018. In the structure of energy supply petroleum products prevailed with 34%; the share of nuclear energy was almost 22%, the share of energy from renewable sources (including hydro energy) was 17%, the share of coal was 16% and the share of natural gas was 11%.

The largest consumer was the transport sector

In 2018, final energy consumption in Slovenia was 211,000 TJ. Consumption in the transport sector represented the highest share (40%). The second highest consumer was manufacturing and construction with 27%, followed by households with 21% and by other use and agriculture with 12%.

Petroleum products represented the highest share in final energy consumption (47%), followed by electricity with 24%, renewable energy with 13%, natural gas with 12%, heat with 3% and solid fuels with 1%.

Most of the final energy in households was consumed for space heating

In 2018, final energy consumption in households in Slovenia was 44,600 TJ. Most of the final energy in households was consumed for space heating (61%), followed by lighting and electrical appliances 17%, water heating also 17%, cooking 4% and space cooling less than 1%.

Among energy sources consumed in households wood fuels prevailed with 39%, followed by consumption of electricity with 27%, natural gas with 10%, extra light heating oil with 9%, district heat with 7%, ambient heat (utilized by heat pumps) and liquefied petroleum gas both with 3%, and solar energy with 1%.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.