Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, Slovenia, October 2018

In October the most overnight stays in health (spa) resorts

More than 423,000 tourist arrivals and almost 1.1 million tourist overnight stays were recorded in October 2018. Foreign tourists generated 70% of all tourist overnight stays. Health (spa) resorts were the most visited.

  • 30 November 2018 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data

Foreign tourists generated almost 750,000 overnight stays
More than 423,000 tourist arrivals and almost 1.1 million tourist overnight stays were recorded in Slovenia in October 2018. Domestic tourists generated almost 120,000 arrivals and almost 318,000 overnight stays. Foreign tourists generated almost 304,000 arrivals and almost 741,000 overnight stays. Foreign tourists generated 70% of all overnight stays in October.

In October Austria before Germany
Key markets, from which the most foreign tourists who generated the most overnight stays in Slovenia came, were Austria (13% or almost 99,000), Germany (11%), Italy (10%), Croatia (6%), other Asian countries (5%) and Hungary (5%).

Almost 635,000 overnight stays in hotels
Almost 635,000 or 60% of all overnight stays were made in hotels, 11% in apartments and holiday villages, 7% in campsites, 4% in other accommodation facilities and 4% in youth hostels.

Health (spa) resorts number one
The highest number of tourist overnight stays in October 2018 (25% or almost 260,000) was recorded in health (spa) resorts, followed by mountain resorts (19%), municipality Ljubljana (19%) and seaside resorts (19%).

More data in the SI-STAT Database
More detailed provisional monthly data on accommodation capacities and tourist arrivals and overnight stays by municipalities and tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries are published in the SI-STAT Database.

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, October 2018 – provisional data
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
X 2018
  of foreign
  from Austria36,80698,645
  from Germany30,68882,634
  from Italy34,06174,200
  from Croatia19,28140,829
  from other Asian countries22,07937,706
  from Hungary14,04834,236
Source: SURS
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities and by main types of tourist accommodations, October 2018 – provisional data
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
X 2018
Types of tourist resorts
  Health (spa) resorts82,027259,723
  Mountain resorts99,973205,006
  Seaside resorts70,216200,317
  Ljubljana, the capital85,170202,988
  Urban municipalities38,88790,941
  Other municipalities46,96299,257
Types of tourist accommodations
  Apartment settlements42,222119,248
  Camping sites21,59769,401
  Other accommodation facilities13,62645,776
  Youth hostels17,98644,510
Source: SURS
Data from January 2018 on are not directly comparable with data for reference months before this date. Monthly data until December 2017 are in the archives. A detailed methodological note can be found here.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.