Web sales, Slovenia, 2017

21% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed with web sales in 2017

In Slovenia 21% enterprises with 10 or more persons employed generated turnover with web sales in 2017. 90% of enterprises in accommodation activities and 35% in trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sold products or services via websites.

  • 7 November 2018 at 10:30
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  • final data

The share of individuals aged 16–74 years who purchased online in the period of 12 months more than doubled in the last ten years. In 2018, more than half of 16–74-year-olds (51%) purchased online in this period. Enterprises are following the changes in the shopping habits. They sell products or services, receive orders or reservations via their own website or a website of the parent enterprises, mobile applications, via extranet and e-commerce marketplaces – websites used by several enterprises for trading products or services, e.g. platform for online reservations.

Almost a quarter of medium-sized enterprises with web sales  

In 2017, 21% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed generated their income by receiving orders for products or services, reservations via websites (20%: 2016). The number of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed with web sales increased by 164% in the last ten years.

As regards the enterprise size (number of persons employed), 20% of small (the same as in 2016), 23% of medium-sized (18%: 2016) and 31% of large enterprises (30%: 2016) had web sales.

68% of enterprises with web sales received orders or reservations from private consumers and 64% from other enterprises or public authorities. 92% of enterprises with web sales received orders or reservations from Slovenia, 49% from other EU Member States and 21% from the rest of the world.

E-marketplaces important for enterprises in accommodation activities

14% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed generated turnover in 2017 via their own website or a website of the parent enterprise, mobile applications, via extranet (13%: 2016).

9% of enterprises (as in 2016) had web sales via e-commerce marketplaces – via websites that are used by several enterprises for trading goods or services, e.g. Booking, Amazon, eBay, etc. In 2017, too, 2% of enterprises had web sales via their own website and e-commerce marketplaces. 

The share of web sales via e-commerce marketplaces was the highest among enterprises in accommodation activities (I 55 of NACE Rev. 2). 88% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed in these activities generated turnover via e-commerce marketplaces – online reservation platforms. 47% of enterprises in the transportation and storage activities (H 49–53 of NACE Rev. 2) generated part of their turnover via e-commerce marketplaces (e.g. transport platform Timocom).

More than a quarter of turnover generated with web sales generated with web sales to private consumers

Enterprises generated 2.4% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales in Slovenia in 2017 or around EUR 1,805 million.

The larger part of the turnover generated with web sales was generated with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities (72%) and 28% with web sales to private consumers.

The majority of the turnover generated with web sales was generated with web sales via own website or a website of the parent enterprise, mobile applications, via extranet (78%) and 22% with web sales via e-commerce marketplaces.

Enterprises with web sales generated 48% of their turnover from web sales with web sales in other EU Member States, 44% with web sales in Slovenia and 8% with web sales to the rest of the world.

The importance of web sales in accommodation and in trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles activities

90% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed in accommodation activities received orders, reservations in 2017 via websites (I 55 of NACE Rev. 2) and generated with web sales 14.7% of their turnover (excluding VAT). The larger part of this turnover was generated with web sales via e-commerce marketplaces (75%) and 25% via own websites.

35% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed in trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G 45–47 of NACE Rev. 2) had web sales in 2017. These enterprises generated with web sales 1.3% of their turnover (excluding VAT) or EUR 365 million. 60% of the turnover was generated with web sales to other enterprises or public authorities and 40% with web sales to private consumers.

Enterprises with at least 10 persons employed with web sales, Slovenia, 2008–2017
Enterprises with at least 10 persons employed with web sales, Slovenia, 2008–2017
Source: SURS
Enterprises generating a part of their turnover with web sales, Slovenia, 2017
10 or more
persons employed
persons employed
persons employed
250 or more
persons employed
Web sales21202331
Web sales via own website14121829
Web sales via e-commerce marketplaces9998
Source: SURS
The published data are estimates derived from the survey on the sample which represents enterprises with at least 10 persons employed.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.