Indices of the value of construction put in place, Slovenia, December 2017

The value of construction put in place 2.4% lower than in November 2017 and 21.2% higher than in December 2016

The value of construction put in place in December 2017 was lower than in the previous month and higher than a year ago.

  • 15 February 2018 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
The value of construction put in place in December 2017 lower than in the previous month 

In comparison with November 2017, the value of construction put in place in December 2017 decreased by 2.4%. This time the value of construction put in place decreased compared to the previous month after it had been increasing during the previous three months. As regards buildings it went down by 2.1% and as regards civil engineering by 2.0%. 

The value of construction put in place in December 2017 higher than in December 2016

In comparison with December 2016, the value of construction put in place in December 2017 increased by 21.2%. As regards buildings it went up by 16.9% and as regards civil engineering by 27.1%. 

The value of construction put in place in 2017 higher than in 2016

The value of construction put in place in 2017 increased by 17.8% over 2016. As regards buildings it went up by 27.6% and as regards civil engineering by 14.6%. 

The value of construction put in place
in December 2017 more than 29% lower than the 2010 average value
The value of construction put in place in December 2017 decreased by 29.4% over the 2010 average value. As regards buildings it went down by 42.4% and as regards civil engineering by 19.4%.
Real indices of the value of construction put in place1), Slovenia (Ø2010=100)
Real indices of the value of construction put in place<sup>1)</sup>, Slovenia (&Oslash2010=100)
Real indices of the value of construction put in place, Slovenia
XII 2017
XI 2017 
XII 2017
XII 2016
I–XII 2017
I–XII 2016
XII 2017
 Ø 2010 
  civil engineering98.0127.1114.680.6
Source: SURS
Data are seasonally adjusted.
Data for the last 3 months are provisional. With each release the data for the last 3 months can be corrected and supplemented with new data.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.