Job vacancies and occupied posts, Slovenia, 2nd quarter 2016

In the second quarter of 2016 the number of job vacancies and occupied posts increased again

In the second quarter of 2016 slightly more than 12,000 job vacancies were in Slovenia, which were almost  300 more than in the previous quarter. The number of occupied post also increased to 702,000.

  • 11 August 2016 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data

The number of job vacancies increased also in this quarter

In the second quarter of 2016 slightly more than 12,000 job vacancies were in Slovenia, which were almost 300 more than in the previous quarter. Most of the job vacancies were in manufacturing (slightly more than 2,900) and in construction (slightly more than 1,900).

More than 6,400 job vacancies were at employers with 10 or more persons in paid employment, which was 53.5% of all job vacancies.

Job vacancy rate remained at the same level

In the second quarter of 2016 the job vacancy rate was 1.7% which was the same as in the previous quarter. The highest job vacancy rate was in accommodation and food service activities, it was 4.4% and in construction (3.9%).

The number of occupied posts higher also in this quarter

In the second quarter of 2016, almost 702,000 posts were occupied which is about 6,400 more than in the previous quarter. Seasonally adjusted data on occupied posts is increasing since second quarter of 2014 onwards. Of all occupied posts 80.6% were at employers with 10 or more persons in paid employment.

In 2015 there were also some methodological changes by occupied posts, i.e. as quarterly data are taken into account data for the same month in which data on job vacancies are collected (for the first quarter that was May) and no longer the average of the three months in the quarter.

Chart 1: Job vacancy rate, Slovenia
Chart 1: Job vacancy rate, Slovenia
1) Break in time series.
Source: SURS

In 2015, SURS started to independently collect data on the number of vacancies, which resulted in a break in the time series.

Data are seasonally adjusted.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.