Kindergartens, Slovenia, school year 2015/16

78% of children under the age of 6 were included in pre-school education

In the school year 2015/16, there were nearly 1,000 kindergartens and their units providing pre-school education. 85,400 children were enrolled in kindergartens.

  • 9 May 2016 at 10:30
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  • final data

Pre-school education is provided by 978 kindergartens and their units

In the school year 2015/16, there were 978 kindergartens and their units providing pre-school education. The majority (91%) of kindergartens were public; only 89 or 9% were private.

The number of children enrolled in kindergartens is still on the rise

In the school year 2015/16, 85,407 children were enrolled in kindergartens, which is 78.1% of all children aged between 1 and 5 years. In the observed school year the number of children enrolled in kindergartens increased by 0.8% over the previous school year. In the last ten years the number of children enrolled in kindergartens increased by almost half (from 58,127 in the school year 2006/07 to 85,407 in the school year 2015/16), which is an increase of 47% over the school year 2006/07.

Compared to the previous school year, the number of children enrolled  in kindergartens particularly increased in the second age period (children aged 3 up to entering basic school), which recorded a 0.9% increase in enrolment, so that the share was 88.5%. In the first age period (children aged 1 and 2 years) the number of children increased only slightly. Kindergartens included more than half of the children in this age group.

The EU 2020 strategic goal on inclusion of children aged 4 to entering basic education into pre-school education in kindergartens has not yet been achieved

40,774 children aged 4 and 5 years were enrolled in pre-school education, which is 90.8% of all children of that age. The European strategic goal for education and training 2020 is 95% inclusion of children of that age in pre-school education. Slovenia has not yet achieved that goal.

On average 8 children per educator and assistant educator

In the school year 2015/16 pre-school care and education in kindergartens was provided by about 10,901 professional staff, of these 5,174 educators and 5,727 assistant educators. There were on average 8 children per educator and assistant educator.

Chart 1: Participation in pre-school education in kindergartens by age periods, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Chart 1: Participation in pre-school education in kindergartens by age periods, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Source: SURS
Table 1: Kindergartens, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
School year 2014/15School year 2015/16
with their units
number of childrenfirst age periodsecond age periodkindergartens
with their units
number of childrenfirst age periodsecond age period
public kindergartens90081,27923,03358,24688981,14622,92358,223
private kindergartens793,4711,2732,198894,2611,4902,771
Source: SURS
Table 2: Enrolment rate of children attending kindergartens by age, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Age of children
total1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years6 or more years
Source: SURS
Table 3: Professional staff in kindergartens, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Educators - total5,174545,120
  in programs of the 1st age period1,902121,890
  in programs of the 2nd age period3,272423,230
Assistant educators - total5,7271965,531
  in programs of the 1st age period2,301532,248
  in programs of the 2nd age period3,4261433,283
Management staff41719398
Other professional personnel32422302
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.