Usage of internet in households and by individuals, Slovenia, 2015
In the first quarter of 2015, 83% of households in Zahodna and 73% in Vzhodna Slovenija had access to the Internet
In the first quarter of 2015, 78% of households had access to the Internet. 73% of persons aged 16–74 years used the Internet and around 581,000 Internet users participated in social networks. 22% of persons never used the Internet.
Households in the cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija better equipped with computers and with access to the Internet
In the first quarter of 2015, 78% of households in Slovenia had a computer. 60% of households had a portable computer, 46% a desktop computer and 24% a tablet computer. In comparison with 2013, when 76% of households had a computer, the share of portable (56% in 2013) and tablet computers (14% in 2013) increased, while the share of desktop computers decreased (56% in 2013).
In the first quarter of 2015, 78% of households in Slovenia had access to the Internet. In comparison with the previous year the share of households that accessed the Internet also via mobile broadband Internet connections via mobile phone (at least 3G) increased to 52% (34% in the same period in 2014).
At the level of cohesion regions, 84% of households in Zahodna Slovenija and 73% in Vzhodna Slovenija had a computer. Portable computers predominated everywhere (66% in Zahodna and 55% in Vzhodna Slovenija), followed by desktop computers (47% in Zahodna and 44% in Vzhodna Slovenija) and tablet computers (24% in Zahodna and 23% in Vzhodna Slovenija). 83% of households had access to the Internet in Zahodna and 73% in Vzhodna Slovenija. Households in Zahodna Slovenija also used the mobile broadband Internet connections via mobile phone (at least 3G) more often (55%), 49% of households in Vzhodna Slovenija.
No need and lack of skills continue to be the main reasons for not having Internet access
61% of households without Internet access stated as a reason that they do not need it (69% in 2014). For 29% of households the reason was lack of computer or Internet usage skills (62% in 2014). 28% of households have no access to the Internet because of high costs for equipment (e.g. purchase of computer), 47% in 2014. For 25% of households the reason was high cost of Internet access (e.g. costs of subscription), 45% in 2014.
69% of households without Internet access in Zahodna Slovenija stated as a reason that they do not need it. For 25% of households the reason was lack of usage skills and for 20% high equipment costs. In Vzhodna Slovenija 57% of households stated that they don’t need Internet access, 33% stated that equipment costs are too high and 31% stated lack of computer and Internet usage skills.
One in five persons aged 16–74 never used the Internet
In the first quarter of 2015 around 1,136,000 persons or 73% of persons aged 16–74 used the Internet. 83% of them used the Internet every day or almost every day. 22% of persons aged 16–74 never used the Internet. The share is the highest among persons aged 65–74 years (65%), followed by persons aged 55–64 years (47%) and persons aged 45–54 years (21%).
In the same period 79% of persons aged 16–74 used the internet in Zahodna Slovenija and 68% in Vzhodna Slovenija. The share of persons who never used the Internet was higher in Vzhodna Slovenija (27%) than in Zahodna Slovenija (17%).
Around 406,000 Internet users participate in social networks every day or almost every day
Around 581,000 or 51% of Internet users aged 16–74 years participated in the first quarter of 2015 in social networks, e.g. created a user profile, arranged own profile or posted messages. Most of them participated in social networks every day or almost every day (70%). Internet users aged 16–24 years most often participated in social networks (90%), followed by persons aged 25–34 years (71%).
Around 93,000 or 8% of Internet users aged 16–74 years participated in professional networks. The share was the highest among persons aged 35–44 years (12%) and 25–34 years (11%).
Persons aged 25–34 years most often participated in online courses
In the first quarter of 2015, 51% of Internet users consulted wikis to obtain knowledge on any subject and 43% were looking for information about education, training or course offers. 19% of Internet users used online learning material, e.g. audio-visual materials, electronic textbooks, online learning software, for educational, professional or private purposes, 8% communicated with instructors or students via educational websites or portals and 4% have done an online course. Internet users aged 25–34 years have most often done an online course in the first quarter of 2015 (7%).
Table 1: Type of broadband Internet connections in households with Internet access1), Slovenia, 1st quarter 2015
1) Households can use different types of Internet connection. Source: SURS |
The survey was partly funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The operation was performed under the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials 2007–2013, development priority Technical Assistance.