Statistics of building permits, December 2024
For the third consecutive year fewer building permits issued
Just over 5,800 building permits were issued in 2024, which is 2% fewer than in the previous year. 14% fewer dwellings were planned than the year before.
Fewer buildings and fewer dwellings planned than in 2023
In 2024, 2% fewer building permits were issued than in the previous year: for residential buildings 11% fewer and for non-residential buildings 5% more. The floor area of buildings for which building permits were issued was 3% smaller: of residential buildings 15% smaller and of non-residential buildings 13% larger.
With building permits issued in 2024, over 4,300 dwellings were planned, which is 14% fewer than the year before. In one-dwelling buildings 10% fewer and in two- and more dwelling buildings 18% fewer dwellings were planned. The planned floor area of dwellings was 15% smaller at the annual level. In one-dwelling buildings it was 12% smaller and in two-and more dwelling buildings 21% smaller. In one-dwelling buildings the average floor area of dwellings was 165 m2 (in 2023: 170 m2) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 89 m2 (in 2023: 92 m2).
In December, more building permits issued
In the last month of 2024, 10% more building permits were issued than in November: for residential buildings 3% more and for non-residential buildings 15% more. The total floor area of all planned buildings was more than 202,000 m2, which is 38% more than in the previous month. The total floor area of planned residential buildings increased by 20% and of non-residential buildings by more than a half (53%). The floor area of non-residential buildings was larger mainly due to the planned lager industrial buildings, hotels and similar buildings, and wholesale and retail trade buildings.
By issuing building permits, in December 2024 construction of 376 dwellings was planned, which is 17% more than in November. In one-dwelling buildings 225 dwellings were planned (13 more than in the previous month) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 151 dwellings (44 more).
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
In 2024, 2% fewer building permits were issued than in the previous year: for residential buildings 11% fewer and for non-residential buildings 5% more. The floor area of buildings for which building permits were issued was 3% smaller: of residential buildings 15% smaller and of non-residential buildings 13% larger.
With building permits issued in 2024, over 4,300 dwellings were planned, which is 14% fewer than the year before. In one-dwelling buildings 10% fewer and in two- and more dwelling buildings 18% fewer dwellings were planned. The planned floor area of dwellings was 15% smaller at the annual level. In one-dwelling buildings it was 12% smaller and in two-and more dwelling buildings 21% smaller. In one-dwelling buildings the average floor area of dwellings was 165 m2 (in 2023: 170 m2) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 89 m2 (in 2023: 92 m2).
In December, more building permits issued
In the last month of 2024, 10% more building permits were issued than in November: for residential buildings 3% more and for non-residential buildings 15% more. The total floor area of all planned buildings was more than 202,000 m2, which is 38% more than in the previous month. The total floor area of planned residential buildings increased by 20% and of non-residential buildings by more than a half (53%). The floor area of non-residential buildings was larger mainly due to the planned lager industrial buildings, hotels and similar buildings, and wholesale and retail trade buildings.
By issuing building permits, in December 2024 construction of 376 dwellings was planned, which is 17% more than in November. In one-dwelling buildings 225 dwellings were planned (13 more than in the previous month) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 151 dwellings (44 more).
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Building permits for buildings and planned dwellings, Slovenia, December 2024
Data for 2023 are final, while data for 2024 are provisional. Final data for 2024 will be published on 18 April 2025.
Building permits issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning are not covered.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Building permits issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning are not covered.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.