December names

68 Silvesters and 23 Silvestras will celebrate on 31 December

The most common names of residents of Slovenia born on the last day of the year are Silva (153) for women, and Silvo (76) and Silvester (68) for men. Other »December names« are Štefan, Miklavž and Nikolaj for men, and Silvestra, Štefanija and Štefka for women.

  • 9 December 2024 at 10:30
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“December names”

Old customs used to dictate that the child gets the name of the saint whose name day is the closest to the child’s birthday or the day of the child’s christening. This was mostly true of children born by 1969. Some of the names among Slovenia’s population are more common in December and are related to the church calendar. 

At least a fifth of men named Silvester, Silvo, Štefan, Miklavž and Nikolaj and at least a fifth of women named Silvestra, Štefanija, Štefka, Silva, Nikolaja, Silvija and Štefica living in Slovenia at the beginning of 2024 were born in December.

Women named Silva and men named Silvester and Silvo are mostly born on the last day of the year

People born during the holiday season between Christmas and New Year are very frequently and much more commonly than people born in other periods of the year given the names Silvester and Silvestra or their shorter versions Silvo and Silva.

Half of all male residents of Slovenia named Silvester and almost half of all male residents of Slovenia named Silvo were born in December; 68 of Silvesters and 76 of Silvos were actually born on the last day of the year.


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Female residents of Slovenia born on the last day of the year or a few days earlier were frequently named Silva. Silva is the most common name of women born on the last day of the year. At the beginning of 2024 among female residents of Slovenia born on the last day of the year there were more than twice as many Silvas as Marijas (153 vs. 64), although Marija is the most common female name in Slovenia.

The name Silvestra is not a very common female name in Slovenia (541 women, 570th place among all names) but of all residents born in the last month of the year it is the most “December-like”. At the beginning of 2024 as many as 56% of women named Silvestra were born in December, 23 of them on the last day of the year. In addition, 23 more residents with this name were born on 30 December. Silvija, a short version of the name Silvestra, is also one of the “December names”, since one in four Silvijas was born in December.


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Men named Štefan and women named Štefanija, Štefka and Štefica born on St. Stephen’s Day

A very common name given to girls between Christmas and New Year is Štefanija, the female version of the male name Štefan (St. Stephen’s Day is 26 December). Over half (51%) of all women named Štefanija were born in December and 5% on 26 December. The name is also common for girls born in December in its version of Štefka (47% of women named Štefka were born in December) and Štefica (20% of women named Štefica were born in December).

Štefan is also a very common male “December name”: of the 4,183 men named Štefan, 1,193 (29%) were born in December.

Men named Nikolaj and Miklavž and women named Nikolaja

A fifth of all men named Nikolaj and a quarter of all women named Nikolaja were born in December. For the short male version Niko, the connection with December is not as clear. For the shortest male version Nik, which has been very popular recently, there is no connection between the child’s birthday and the day the name is stated in the calendar.

Over a fifth (22%) of all men named Miklavž were born in December. This is not a very common name in Slovenia, since at the beginning of this year only 64 male residents were named Miklavž.


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Family names can be “December names”, too

Božič (i.e. Christmas in Slovenian) is the family name of 3,247 residents of Slovenia and thus the 14th most common family name in the country. At the beginning of 2024 there were 123 residents whose family name was Božiček (i.e. Santa Claus), 38 whose family name was Miklavž (St. Nikolas) and 794 whose family name was Rudolf (i.e. Rudolph).

Would you like to know how common your name is? You can find the data in the interactive search engine Names and Birthdays.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.