Socioeconomic characteristics of international migrants, 2023
Positive net migration of the tertiary educated in 2023
Tertiary-educated migrants were outnumbered by those with basic education or less. Employment was the top reason to immigrate for foreign citizens.
Emigrants’ education similar to that of the entire population of Slovenia
33,939 people immigrated to Slovenia in 2023; 64% of them were aged 25–64. Among them, 30% had basic education or less, 54% had upper secondary education and 16% had tertiary education.
In the same year, 22,411 people emigrated from Slovenia; 68% of them were aged 25–64. Among them, 26% had basic education or less, 56% had upper secondary education and 17% had tertiary education.
Among immigrants with Slovenian citizenship aged 25–64, 43% had tertiary education, while among foreign immigrants the share of tertiary educated was significantly lower: 12%. Among emigrants in the same age group, the difference was very similar: 40% of emigrants with Slovenian citizenship had tertiary education, while about 11% of foreign emigrants were tertiary educated.
Among immigrants, 178 were doctors of science. Among emigrants, 150 had this level of education.
The education structures of Slovenian and foreign citizens (aged 25–64) who emigrated in 2023 were similar to the education structures of these two groups among the population of the same age.
Employment top reason to immigrate for foreign citizens
Out of the 29,908 foreign nationals who immigrated to Slovenia in 2023, most came to Slovenia to work (61%). 24 % immigrated to join their family members. About 7% of foreign immigrants came to Slovenia to pursue their education. The share of immigrants who came for other reasons (8%), including those with temporary protection status, was lower than in 2022.
Among Slovenian citizens (aged 25–64) who immigrated to Slovenia in 2023, 39% were employed at the end of the year. Among foreign immigrants of the same age, 78% were employed. 38% of Slovenian citizens (aged 25–64) who emigrated in 2023 were employed prior to emigration, as were 72% of foreign emigrants. For comparison: on 1 January 2024, 78% of total population of Slovenia (aged 25–64) were employed.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
33,939 people immigrated to Slovenia in 2023; 64% of them were aged 25–64. Among them, 30% had basic education or less, 54% had upper secondary education and 16% had tertiary education.
In the same year, 22,411 people emigrated from Slovenia; 68% of them were aged 25–64. Among them, 26% had basic education or less, 56% had upper secondary education and 17% had tertiary education.
Among immigrants with Slovenian citizenship aged 25–64, 43% had tertiary education, while among foreign immigrants the share of tertiary educated was significantly lower: 12%. Among emigrants in the same age group, the difference was very similar: 40% of emigrants with Slovenian citizenship had tertiary education, while about 11% of foreign emigrants were tertiary educated.
Among immigrants, 178 were doctors of science. Among emigrants, 150 had this level of education.
The education structures of Slovenian and foreign citizens (aged 25–64) who emigrated in 2023 were similar to the education structures of these two groups among the population of the same age.
Employment top reason to immigrate for foreign citizens
Out of the 29,908 foreign nationals who immigrated to Slovenia in 2023, most came to Slovenia to work (61%). 24 % immigrated to join their family members. About 7% of foreign immigrants came to Slovenia to pursue their education. The share of immigrants who came for other reasons (8%), including those with temporary protection status, was lower than in 2022.
Among Slovenian citizens (aged 25–64) who immigrated to Slovenia in 2023, 39% were employed at the end of the year. Among foreign immigrants of the same age, 78% were employed. 38% of Slovenian citizens (aged 25–64) who emigrated in 2023 were employed prior to emigration, as were 72% of foreign emigrants. For comparison: on 1 January 2024, 78% of total population of Slovenia (aged 25–64) were employed.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Immigrants and emigrants aged 15 or more by education, Slovenia, 2023
Immigrants and emigrants aged 15 or more by activity status, citizenship and sex, Slovenia, 2023
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.