Domestic affiliates of multinational enterprise groups under domestic control, 2022

One in ten employees worked in domestic affiliates of multinational enterprise groups under domestic control

Domestic affiliates of multinational enterprise groups under domestic control remain important for the Slovenian economy, as they generated more than a quarter of total turnover and employed more than a tenth of all persons employed in Slovenia.

  • 4 December 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
An important building block of the Slovenian economy

Although domestic affiliates of multinational enterprise groups under domestic control do not contribute a large share to the Slovenian economy in terms of the number of units, in terms of the size of the generated turnover and the number of employees and self-employed people, they represent an important building block of the Slovenian economy.

In 2022, the influence of units (NACE Rev. 2 sections B to N and P to Q) was the largest in manufacturing (C) and wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G). The observed units also had a significant influence in professional, scientific and technical activities (M), in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D) and in transportation and storage (H).

Slightly larger number of observed units than the year before

In the observed year, a slightly larger number of observed units was recorded than in the previous year, as it increased by 72 to 1,170. In terms of the number, they do not contribute a significant share, as they represent less than 1% of all active enterprises in Slovenia.

In terms of the number of units, section C is at the top, as it comprised 234 units, followed by section G with 222 units, and section M with 198 units. The largest increase in the number of observed units was recorded in sections G and M (18 and 17 units, respectively), while in section C a slight decrease in the number of units took place (3 less than a year before), which was also the largest measured decline. 

The size of the generated turnover is important for the Slovenian economy

The impact on the Slovenian economy is the largest in terms of the size of the generated turnover. The observed units generated more than a quarter of the total turnover in the observed sections in Slovenia, which amounts to almost EUR 41.7 billion. Compared to 2021, an almost 38.4% growth of turnover was recorded. Units from sections G (EUR 12.8 billion), D (EUR 11.5 billion) and C (EUR 9.4 billion) together generated more than 80% of total turnover of all observed units combined.

In almost all sections, with the exception of sections K (financial and insurance activities) and L (real estate activities), a higher volume of generated turnover than the year before was recorded. Units whose primary activities fall into sections C, D and G generated slightly less than EUR 11 billion of turnover more than the year before, which represented almost the entire annual turnover increase in all observed units combined. Sections D and G stood out in particular, as they together contributed to the annual increase slightly less than EUR 10 billion. 

At the level of divisions in section C according to NACE (lower level – more detailed), a higher volume of generated turnover was recorded than the year before in almost all divisions. The highest annual turnover growth was recorded in manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture, manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials, manufacture of paper and paper products, and printing and reproduction of recorded media, which amounts to 29.7%. They were followed by manufacture of basic metals, and manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment, which recorded annual growth of 25.9% and nominally contributed the largest volume of turnover to section C, approximately EUR 2.6 billion. 

The same applies to employment

More than a tenth of all employed and self-employed persons in Slovenia were recorded in the observed units, as they collectively employed almost 100,000 people. Compared to the year before, a 3.1% growth was recorded.

Contribution of section C was almost half of total number of employees and self-employed persons, and the share remained roughly the same as the year before. Sections G and H followed, they individually contributed roughly a tenth to the total number of employed and self-employed persons in the observed units. Section H remains stable compared to the previous year, while in section G a 23.7% annual growth in the number of employees and self-employed persons was recorded. 

At the level of divisions in section C according to NACE, a slightly lower number of employees and self-employed persons than the year before was recorded. A larger drop was recorded in manufacture of textiles, of wearing apparel and of leather and related products, as the number fell by more than 30% compared to the year before. Similar to the year before, in manufacture of basic metals, and manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment and division of manufacture of electrical equipment contribute the largest share to the total number of employed and self-employed persons in section C, which together amounted to almost 38%.

The table with the latest data is available in the SiStat Database.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.