Statistics of building permits, October 2024

Fewer building permits issued, almost a half fewer dwellings planned

Compared to September, 15% fewer building permits were issued and their floor area was 37% smaller. 46% fewer dwellings were planned. 

  • 20 November 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Floor area of planned buildings smaller

In October, 15% fewer building permits were issued than in the previous month: for residential buildings 1% fewer and for non-residential buildings 24% fewer. The total floor area of all planned buildings was 121,050 m2, which is 37% less than in September. The total floor area of planned residential buildings decreased by 38% and of non-residential buildings by 35%.

Almost a half fewer dwellings planned

By issuing building permits, in October construction of 323 dwellings was planned, which is 46% fewer than a month before. Fewer dwelling were planned in two- and more dwelling buildings, 118 or 68% fewer than in September when 364 dwellings were planned. On the other hand, in one-dwelling buildings 187 or 3% more dwellings were planned. In buildings for public entertainment, education or hospital and institutional care 18 dwellings were planned (in September 53).

The largest number of dwellings to be built in the Goriška statistical region

The largest number of dwellings were planned in the Goriška statistical region, 74 or 23% of all. In this region 64 dwellings were planned in two- and more dwelling buildings and 10 in one-dwelling buildings. 52 dwellings (16% of all) were planned in Osrednjeslovenska and 37 (12% of all) in Podravska. In other statistical regions fewer dwellings were planned, the fewest (4) in Zasavska.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Floor area of buildings, Slovenia1)
Floor area of buildings, Slovenia<sup>1)</sup>
1) Data for 2024 are provisional.
Planned dwellings by statistical regions, Slovenia, October 2024
Planned dwellings by statistical regions, Slovenia, October 2024
1) Including Koroška, Obalno-kraška, Pomurska, Posavska, Primorsko-notranjska, Savinjska and Zasavska statistical regions.
Building permits for buildings and planned dwellings, Slovenia, October 2024
BuildingsPlanned dwellings
  residental buildings20863,45832345,781
  non-residental buildings25957,59200
Final data for 2024 will be published on 18 April 2025.

Building permits issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning are not covered.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.