Production of early crops and early fruits and yield forecast of some important late crops, 2024

A good harvest of cereals and turnip rape, early fruit species yielded worse

According to the yield forecast as of 31 July 2024, average yields of late potatoes and maize are expected. The harvest of cereals was good, early fruit species (cherries, sour cherries, apricots) yielded below average.

  • 26 September 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
The area sown with cereals decreased for most cereals, the average yields were larger

On a slightly smaller area compared to last year’s (by 2%), around 152,000 tonnes of wheat were harvested. Average yield of 5.5 tonnes per hectare was by 8% better than last year and by 4% better compared to the last ten-year average.

The area sown with barley was the smallest since 2017 and by 5% smaller than last year. On 20,800 hectares around 100,400 tonnes of barley grain were harvested, which is an average yield of 4.8 tonnes per hectare (by 5% more than last year).

Oil turnip rape yielded well. Average yield of 3.3 tonnes per hectare was by a quarter better than last year and by almost a fifth better than the ten-year average.

Production of wheat and spelt, and barley, Slovenia

Average yields of maize and late potatoes expected

According to the yield forecast as of 31 July 2024, the expected yield of late potatoes is 28.3 tonnes per hectare. This is by a fifth more than last year and by a tenth more compared to average yield in the last ten years.

The area sown with maize for grain decreased by 5% compared to last year. The average yield is expected to be bigger by 5% - 9.2 tonnes per hectare.

On a similar area as last year, Slovenian farmers are expecting to harvest around 1,180,600 tonnes of green maize, which is by 5% more than in the previous year. A slightly better average yield compared to last year is expected; 42.8 tonnes per hectare is by 5% more than last year and by 5% less than the ten-year average.

The largest total production of soybeans expected, also more sunflower seeds

Sunflowers should yield well; average yield of 2.6 tonnes per hectare is by almost a third better than in the previous year and by 13% better than the ten-year average.

The area sown with soybean increased by 40% compared to last year and it was the biggest since 1991. The average yield also should be better; 2.8 tonnes per hectare is by a tenth more compared to last year. Based on area and average yield increase, we expect the biggest total production since 1991 – around 11,800 tonnes.

Average yields of early fruit species in orchard plantations and extensive orchards

Cherries in orchard plantations yielded better than in the previous year. The average yield of 3.5 tonnes per hectare was by a third better than previous year’s and by a third worse than the ten-year average.

The average yield of apricots – 3.2 tonnes per hectare – was by a fifth smaller than previous year’s and by a half smaller than the ten-year average.

The area of strawberries decreased by more than 5%. The average yield was 15.5 tonnes per hectare, which is by 7% more than last year and by 7% less than the ten-year average.

In extensive orchards, the situation was similar to that in orchard plantations. From one cherry tree, 15.9 kilograms of cherries were collected. This is by a quarter less than the average ten-year yield. The average yield of apricots was 9.8 kilograms per tree, which is three times more than in the previous year and a fifth less than the ten-year average.

Peaches and nectarines should yield better than in the previous year. The average yield should amount to 11.3 tonnes per hectare, which is comparable to the ten-year average.

Production of apricots and cherries in orchard plantations, Slovenia

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Production of early crops, Slovenia
tgrowth rate (%)t/ha
Wheat and spelt – total153,0187.85.5
Rye and meslin4,41413.74.1
Fodder peas8,2491.02.1
Oil turniprape7,29725.13.2
Production of early fruit in orchard plantations, Slovenia
tgrowth rate (%)t/ha
Apricot trees293-17.73.5
Cherries – total80039.42.5
  cherry trees77637.03.5
  sour cherry trees24196.43.1
Production of early fruit in extensive orchards, Slovenia
tgrowth rate (%)kg/tree
Apricot trees156195.09.8
Cherries – total1,324278.615.9
  cherry trees1,235270.115.9
  sour cherry trees89449.215.4
Yield forecast of some late crops, Slovenia
tgrowth rate (%)t/ha 
Maize for grains383,9714.49.2 
Silage maize1,180,5735.243.8 
Sorghum for grains2255.34.1 
Potatoes (late)72,56019.828.3 
Soya for grains11,8439.12.8 
Yield forecast of some late fruits, Slovenia
tgrowth rate (%)t/ha
Peach trees and apricot trees2,371144.811.3
Data for the current year are provisional. Final data for 2024 will be published on 28 March 2025.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.