First names and family names, Birthdays
In the past Marija, nowadays Maja, Mojca, Maša, Manca, Mia
Marija is still the most common female name in Slovenia and in all its statistical regions. The name was the top female name among women born until 1968. Nowadays Marijas are on average 72 years old.
Fewer Marijas but still the top name
Marija is the most common female name in Slovenia, but their number is declining. At the beginning of 2024, the name Marija was stated in the personal documents of 44,645 women in the country. In their everyday lives, many of them are probably called with one of the following name variations: Micka, Marička, Mica, Meri, etc.
Every 24th female in Slovenia is Marija. At present, Marija is a 72.4-year-old woman.
Top female newborn name until 1968
In the past 15 years, the number of women named Marija declines by about 1,700 every year. From 1971 to the beginning of 2024, the number of women named Marija dropped by 98,000. In 2008 (since annual data on names have been available in our database), there were 73,000 Marijas, 28,000 more than in the beginning of this year. Even though the number keeps decreasing, the name is so numerous that probably no change is to be expected in the near future at the top of the list of the most common female names.
Marija was the top female name among girls born until 1968. In the next year, the name ranked second, while among girls born in 1970 it ranked fifth.
In the beginning of 2024, every sixth woman born before World War II was named Marija. Among women born between 1941 and 1950, Marija was every 7th woman, among those born in the 1951–1960 period every 12th, and among those born in the 1961–1970 period every 23rd. This was also the period when the name Marija ranked first among the new-borns for the last time.
In the past Marija, nowadays Maja, Mojca, Maša, Manca, Mia
The 1970s represented a big break in the tradition of naming children. Names that were among the Slovenian population far less common appeared on the list of the most common names. The name Marija dropped to rank 22 among girls born between 1971 and 1980. From the 1970s on, instead of Marija other shorter variations of this name became popular, such as Maja, Mojca, Maša, and recently Mia. According to one of the explanations, all these names are derived from the name Marija. Thus the name Maja was the most common name in the 1980s, Mojca was the third most common name in the 1960s and 1970s, Maša was the 11th most common name among girls born in 2001–2010, and Mia was the fifth most common name for those born after 2011.
Since Slovenia won independence, between 8 and 26 girls named Marija have been born annually. In the last three years 30 were born in total.
The most common name in all statistical regions
Marija is the most common name in all Slovenian statistical regions, but the differences among regions are significant. At the beginning of 2024, the name was the most numerous in the Pomurska region (66 Marijas per 1,000 women), followed by Koroška (59) and Posavska (51). The fewest Marijas are living in the Obalno-kraška statistical region (27 per 1,000 women), and in Goriška and Osrednjeslovenska (34). In other words, in the Pomurska region Marija is every 15th woman in the region, and in Obalno-kraška every 37th. On average the youngest are Marijas in the Posavska region (71 years), and the oldest in Goriška and Obalno-kraška (75 years).
Marija in the combined names
As mentioned, Marija was the most popular female name by the end of the 1960s. To distinguish among them, combined names were often given, namely with the name Marija as a first or as a second name. Among women living today in Slovenia, the name Marija appeared as first or second name in 608 combined names (3,220 women); 2,083 women have Marija as first name, and 1,137 as second name.
The most common combined name is Marija Magdalena (303), followed by Marija Ana (296), Marija Majda and Marija Mojca (55 each), and Ana Marija (50).
Marija as a male name
In the beginning of 2024, Marija appeared also as the second name in 8 combined male names.
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Marija is the most common female name in Slovenia, but their number is declining. At the beginning of 2024, the name Marija was stated in the personal documents of 44,645 women in the country. In their everyday lives, many of them are probably called with one of the following name variations: Micka, Marička, Mica, Meri, etc.
Every 24th female in Slovenia is Marija. At present, Marija is a 72.4-year-old woman.
Top female newborn name until 1968
In the past 15 years, the number of women named Marija declines by about 1,700 every year. From 1971 to the beginning of 2024, the number of women named Marija dropped by 98,000. In 2008 (since annual data on names have been available in our database), there were 73,000 Marijas, 28,000 more than in the beginning of this year. Even though the number keeps decreasing, the name is so numerous that probably no change is to be expected in the near future at the top of the list of the most common female names.
Marija was the top female name among girls born until 1968. In the next year, the name ranked second, while among girls born in 1970 it ranked fifth.
In the beginning of 2024, every sixth woman born before World War II was named Marija. Among women born between 1941 and 1950, Marija was every 7th woman, among those born in the 1951–1960 period every 12th, and among those born in the 1961–1970 period every 23rd. This was also the period when the name Marija ranked first among the new-borns for the last time.
In the past Marija, nowadays Maja, Mojca, Maša, Manca, Mia
The 1970s represented a big break in the tradition of naming children. Names that were among the Slovenian population far less common appeared on the list of the most common names. The name Marija dropped to rank 22 among girls born between 1971 and 1980. From the 1970s on, instead of Marija other shorter variations of this name became popular, such as Maja, Mojca, Maša, and recently Mia. According to one of the explanations, all these names are derived from the name Marija. Thus the name Maja was the most common name in the 1980s, Mojca was the third most common name in the 1960s and 1970s, Maša was the 11th most common name among girls born in 2001–2010, and Mia was the fifth most common name for those born after 2011.
Since Slovenia won independence, between 8 and 26 girls named Marija have been born annually. In the last three years 30 were born in total.
The most common name in all statistical regions
Marija is the most common name in all Slovenian statistical regions, but the differences among regions are significant. At the beginning of 2024, the name was the most numerous in the Pomurska region (66 Marijas per 1,000 women), followed by Koroška (59) and Posavska (51). The fewest Marijas are living in the Obalno-kraška statistical region (27 per 1,000 women), and in Goriška and Osrednjeslovenska (34). In other words, in the Pomurska region Marija is every 15th woman in the region, and in Obalno-kraška every 37th. On average the youngest are Marijas in the Posavska region (71 years), and the oldest in Goriška and Obalno-kraška (75 years).
Marija in the combined names
As mentioned, Marija was the most popular female name by the end of the 1960s. To distinguish among them, combined names were often given, namely with the name Marija as a first or as a second name. Among women living today in Slovenia, the name Marija appeared as first or second name in 608 combined names (3,220 women); 2,083 women have Marija as first name, and 1,137 as second name.
The most common combined name is Marija Magdalena (303), followed by Marija Ana (296), Marija Majda and Marija Mojca (55 each), and Ana Marija (50).
Marija as a male name
In the beginning of 2024, Marija appeared also as the second name in 8 combined male names.
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When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.