Waste, 2023

More municipal waste generated due to bulky waste

In 2023, the amount of generated and treated waste decreased. Less waste was recycled and more landfilled. Most of the latter was municipal waste. 

  • 24 September 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Key comparisons with 2022:

• almost 3% less total waste generated,
• 14% more hazardous waste generated,
• 5% more municipal waste generated,
• 3% less waste treated,
• 16% more waste landfilled. 

Less total waste generated

In 2023, slightly less than 11.4 million tonnes (or almost 3% less) of waste were generated compared to the previous year, mainly due to the decrease in the amount of construction and demolition waste (by 2%). They still represented three quarters (almost 8.5 million tonnes) of total waste generated last year. The largest decrease was among waste from the leather and textile industry, waste from inorganic chemical processes and waste organic solvents (all by 27%). The amount of all wood waste increased the most, by 27%. The amount of hazardous waste generated increased by 14% to almost 160,000 tonnes.

The amount of waste generated in educational activities increased by more than three times, and by almost two times in cultural and recreational activities. In both the increase was mainly due to larger amounts of construction and demolition waste. On the other hand, the amount of waste generated in financial and insurance activities decreased by almost three quarters also due to construction and demolition waste.
A tenth more municipal waste in households 

In 2023, municipal waste accounted for a tenth of all generated waste. The amount increased by 5% compared to the previous year and amounted to 1.1 million tonnes. On average, 518 kg of municipal waste was generated per person, which is 22 kg more. Mixed municipal waste represented just over a quarter (26%) of all municipal waste, followed by paper and cardboard waste (17%) and biodegradable waste (15%). Almost three quarters of all municipal waste, or 381 kg per person, was collected separately. Households generated 712,000 tonnes of all municipal waste (336 kg per person) or by a tenth more than in the previous year.

The largest increase was recorded in the amount of bulky waste (by 65%), followed by metallic waste (by 22%) and wood waste (by 15%). Above all, the increase in the amount of bulky waste and wood waste can be attributed to last year's floods that affected Slovenia. Their influence was also reflected in the regional distribution of generated municipal waste. The amount of generated municipal waste per person increased by more than a fifth or by 103 kg in the Savinjska statistical region - it amounted to 590 kg per person. With a 19% increase, it was followed by the Koroška statistical region, where on average 448 kg of municipal waste was generated per person or 73 kg more than in the previous year.

Less waste recycled, more landfilled

10.7 million tonnes (by 3% less than in 2022) of waste was treated by final operations, of which almost 73% was backfilled. Among those construction and demolition waste dominated with 7.4 million tonnes (or 95%). A little more than a quarter of waste was recycled, which is 9% less than the year before, while almost 2% was incinerated with energy recovery. Almost 355,000 tonnes of municipal waste were treated after the final operations, which is 5% more than in 2022.

Approximately 363,000 tonnes of waste was disposed, which is 5% less than in the previous year. Of this, slightly more than half (189,000 tonnes) was landfilled (16% more than in 2022), more than a third (35%) was permanently stored, and about a tenth was incinerated for disposal. Among landfilled waste, municipal waste dominated (41%), followed by waste from the mechanical processing of other waste (29%) and construction and demolition waste (25%).

Imported and exported the most metallic waste

The amount of imported waste amounted to approximately one million tonnes, which is 5% less than in the previous year. The majority was metallic waste (61%), followed by paper and cardboard waste (12%) and plastic waste (9%). Almost two-thirds of the waste was imported from neighbouring countries, most of which came from Italy (more than a quarter of the total). Almost 9% of waste was imported from outside the EU.

Slightly less than 1.4 million tonnes of waste were exported, which is roughly the same as in the previous year. Among these, metallic waste represented the largest share (40%) – more than four fifths or 450,000 tonnes went to Italy – where the most waste was exported (35%), followed by Austria (22%) and Hungary (17%). Approximately 11% of all waste was exported outside the EU, where the amount of waste exported to the countries of South and Southeast Asia more than doubled.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Waste stream, Slovenia
20222023 2023
tgrowth rate (%)
Total waste generated11,659,22711,358,296-3
  of this municipal waste1,045,6871,097,8115
  of this hazardous waste140,001159,44114
Import of waste1,062,1061,009,506-5
Recovery of waste1)11,003,82910,693,670-3
Disposal of waste1)383,608363,350-5
Export of waste1,388,4161,373,888-1
1) Recovery and disposal of waste includes amounts of waste treated by final operations.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations on generatedcollected and treated waste.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.