Persons employed in formal education, school year 2023/2024

In this school year more teachers in basic and upper secondary education

In the school/academic year 2023/24, there were 13,494 professional staff in pre-school education, 22,074 in basic education, 7,605 in upper secondary education, and 5,993 in tertiary education.

  • 19 June 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Fewer pre-school educators and their assistants

In this school year, 12,440 educators and assistant educators were working in kindergartens, which is 1.2% fewer than in the previous school year. 97.3% of educators were women and only 2.7% were men. 6.1% of kindergarten staff was employed in the private sector. The average number of children per educator was 6.8.

The number of basic education teachers slightly higher

In the observed year, 18,814 teachers were employed in basic education, 214 (1,2%) more than in the previous year. In addition to teachers, there were 3,250 managers, consultants or other professionals. Among teachers just under 15% were men, while among the management personnel, 24% were men.

8% of teachers were aged 60 years or more, which is almost 3 percentage points more than five years ago. 

The number of upper secondary school teachers slightly up as well

The number of persons employed in upper secondary schools for youth and adults was 3.9% higher than in the previous school year. Of the 7,605 employees, 6,490 were teachers (67% of them women), 267 were management personnel (64% of them women) and 289 were counsellors (93% of them women).

A quarter of tertiary education teachers aged 60+

There were 5,993 professional staff at the tertiary level of education, about 1.7% more than in the previous academic year. There were 3,199 tertiary education teachers. The share of women among these teachers was smaller with a higher level of academic title. Among assistant professors, 47% were women, while among full professors, the share was ten percentage points lower. A quarter of all tertiary education teachers were aged 60 years or more. Sixteen tertiary education teachers were younger than 30 years.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Professional staff by level of education and sex, Slovenia, school year 2023/24
Professional staff by level of education and sex, Slovenia, school year 2023/24
Professional staff at different levels of education, Slovenia, school year 2023/24
Pre-school education13,49439113,103
Primary education22,0742,81919,255
Upper secondary education7,6052,3995,206
Instructional and other professional support staff at higher education institutions and short – cycle higher vocational colleges, Slovenia, academic year 2023/24
Higher educational institutions and short-cycle vocational colleges5,9933,1832,810
Higher educational institutions5,6063,0222,584
  teaching faculty3,1991,7501,449
  faculty assistants2,0181,039979
  research faculty389233156
Short-cycle vocational colleges387161226
  lecturer in vocational colleges302136166
  laboratory assistant and librarians621151
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.