Business registrations and bankruptcy data, December 2023
More bankruptcies at the end of the year
At the end of the year, the number of bankruptcies went up monthly by 19.2% and quarterly by 8.6%. Quarterly the number increased the most in construction. As regards registrations, there were no changes monthly, while quarterly the number increased by 4.2%.
In all quarterly comparisons more registrations
Whereas compared to the previous month the number of registrations in December did not change, compared to December 2022 and the average of 2015, it went up by 3.2% and 19.7%, respectively.
In the last quarter of the year, the number of registrations increased compared to the previous quarter by 4.2%, to the same quarter of 2022 by 6.5% and to the 2015 average by 20.6%.
As regards activities, the number went slightly down in comparison to the previous quarter and the same quarter a year ago in information and communication, in construction and in industry.
In comparison to the 2015 average, the number went up by more than a half in education, health, social work, arts and other service activities except activities of membership organisations (by 60.4%) and in construction (by 50.3%).
At the quarterly level, the number of bankruptcies went up the most in construction
The monthly number of bankruptcies went up by 19.2%. Compared to December 2022 and the 2015 average it declined by 8.4% and 16.5%, respectively.
The number increased also quarterly by 8.6%, but in comparison to the same quarter a year earlier and to the 2015 average it went down by 14.0% and 24.9%, respectively.
In comparison with the previous quarter, the number went up the most in construction (by 53.3%) and in comparison to the same quarter a year ago in education, health, social work, arts and other service activities except activities of membership organisations (by 100.0%). In comparison with the 2015 average, the number went up only in transportation and storage (by 7.9%).
In all quarterly comparisons, the number decreased the most significantly in information and communication: compared to the previous quarter by 25.0%, to the same quarter a year ago by 72.7% and to the 2015 average by 58.6%.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Whereas compared to the previous month the number of registrations in December did not change, compared to December 2022 and the average of 2015, it went up by 3.2% and 19.7%, respectively.
In the last quarter of the year, the number of registrations increased compared to the previous quarter by 4.2%, to the same quarter of 2022 by 6.5% and to the 2015 average by 20.6%.
As regards activities, the number went slightly down in comparison to the previous quarter and the same quarter a year ago in information and communication, in construction and in industry.
In comparison to the 2015 average, the number went up by more than a half in education, health, social work, arts and other service activities except activities of membership organisations (by 60.4%) and in construction (by 50.3%).
At the quarterly level, the number of bankruptcies went up the most in construction
The monthly number of bankruptcies went up by 19.2%. Compared to December 2022 and the 2015 average it declined by 8.4% and 16.5%, respectively.
The number increased also quarterly by 8.6%, but in comparison to the same quarter a year earlier and to the 2015 average it went down by 14.0% and 24.9%, respectively.
In comparison with the previous quarter, the number went up the most in construction (by 53.3%) and in comparison to the same quarter a year ago in education, health, social work, arts and other service activities except activities of membership organisations (by 100.0%). In comparison with the 2015 average, the number went up only in transportation and storage (by 7.9%).
In all quarterly comparisons, the number decreased the most significantly in information and communication: compared to the previous quarter by 25.0%, to the same quarter a year ago by 72.7% and to the 2015 average by 58.6%.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Registrations and declarations of bankruptcies of legal units, seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia
Registrations and declarations of bankruptcies of legal units, seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia
Growth rates of registrations and declarations of bankruptcies of legal units (%), seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia
Data are seasonally adjusted.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.