Labour force survey results, 3rd quarter 2023

Unemployment rate still under 4%

Among employed persons in the 3rd quarter of 2023, there were fewer employees, fewer student workers but more self-employed than a year ago. 

  • 27 November 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Number of unemployed higher than in the previous quarter and lower than in the previous year

There were approximately 40,000 unemployed, which is 2,000 more than in the previous quarter and about 2,000 fewer than in the same period of 2022. The unemployment rate also increased slightly compared to the previous quarter – by 0.3 of a percentage point, to 3.9%. There were slightly more men than women among the unemployed. However, the unemployment rate was higher among women (4.0%) than among men (3.7%).

Unemployment rate, Slovenia, 2014–2023

More student work, fewer employees in labour relation 

As usual for the period of summer school and study holidays, there were more student workers than in the previous quarter. In the 3rd quarter of 2023, 35,000 persons were performing student work, almost 15% fewer than in the same quarter of 2022 and almost 20% fewer than in 2021.  

Compared to the previous quarter, the number of employees in labour relation decreased by one percent; however, compared to 2022, it remained approximately the same at 805,000.

The number of self-employed among employed persons is rising

In recent quarters and months, both register and survey sources have recorded an increase in the number of self-employed persons. In the 3rd quarter of 2023, there were 126,000 self-employed, 8.6% more than a year ago. Fewer than a third of all self-employed were women (31%). Just under 90% of the self-employed were private entrepreneurs and own-account workers. Slightly more than a tenth of the self-employed were farmers. 

More than two thirds of the self-employed without employees, a tenth working for only one client

31% of the self-employed were also employers, while 69% had no employees. Among women the share of the self-employed without employees was even higher at about three quarters.

Among the self-employed there is a group usually called dependent self-employed. These are the self-employed without employees, who mainly work for only one client. In the 3rd quarter of 2023, this group represented about a tenth of all self-employed. If we add also those self-employed without employees with more than one client, but whose income mainly comes from one client (at least 75%), the share of dependent self-employed among the self-employed increases to 15%. These shares have remained at a similar level in the last few years. 

Tables with the latest data on population by activity, sex, age groups and cohesion region are available in the SiStat Database.
Population by activity (in 1,000), Slovenia
Q3 2022Q3 2023
Population in private households – total2,0601,0401,0202,0721,0481,025
Labour force1,0375644731,031561470
        in labour relation806427379805425379
        student work411724351519
        other forms of work11M6M5M10M5M6M
     unpaid family workers2110M12M157M8M
Persons less than 15 years old317163153315162153
M - less reliable estimate – use with caution
Some totals do not add up due to rounding.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.